Kindler is a democrat...


You've got it all wrong, the GOP/Teabaggers are the ones tied to the corporate interest groups and lobbyists. Why did they almost let the government default by refusing to cut taxes for the wealthy and wouldn't even stop subsidies to oil companies who make billions in profits? Unless you're a millionaire, the right wing's policies aren't helping anyone but themselves and the groups who are paying them to ruin our economy, while they support the failed Bush plans which have caused the greatest gap of financial inequality in history.

You've got it all wrong, the GOP/Teabaggers are the ones tied to the corporate interest groups and lobbyists. Why did they almost let the government default by refusing to cut taxes for the wealthy and wouldn't even stop subsidies to oil companies who make billions in profits? Unless you're a millionaire, the right wing's policies aren't helping anyone but themselves and the groups who are paying them to ruin our economy, while they support the failed Bush plans which have caused the greatest gap of financial inequality in history.

Why won't Obama end subsidies for green jobs or stimulus to Union thugocracy?

Why did he extend Bush tax cuts to the rich when he had super majority control?

Why did he start another war and do a surge in Afghanistan?

Why did he hand out 2,500 waivers for Obamacare?

Why is he in Martha's Vineyard?


Why won't Obama end subsidies for green jobs or stimulus to Union thugocracy?

Why did he extend Bush tax cuts to the rich when he had super majority control?

Why did he start another war and do a surge in Afghanistan?

Why did he hand out 2,500 waivers for Obamacare?

Why is he in Martha's Vineyard?


Union thugocracy? The war is over loser. You lost that war. Do you know what treason is bid laden

Why won't Obama end subsidies for green jobs or stimulus to Union thugocracy?

Why did he extend Bush tax cuts to the rich when he had super majority control?

Why did he start another war and do a surge in Afghanistan?

Why did he hand out 2,500 waivers for Obamacare?

Why is he in Martha's Vineyard?


There are subsidies for green jobs because it's a new industry that MUST be advanced and developed. We have or are subsidizing: farmers, ranchers, oil industry, mining, we build the railroad with subsidises, hydro electric, nuclear, and coal power are subsidised. Even the pharma industry is subsidised.

Tax cuts were extended because the politicians in Washington wanted to get re-elected, and the major contributors to both parties are the wealthy. You figure it out.

Afganistan surge netted Bin Laden, isn't that something?

Obama Care is a joke. Again handing out billions to cronies.

He's on vacation, big deal! Don't you take a vacation? Bush was on his ranch in Texas for 471 days during his 8 yr. presidency. Who cares, they can work there just as well as the White House or camp david. Technology has advanced quite a ways Fred Flintstone.

I assume you're the myopic poster who thinks the Dems are the devil and Rep/tea party are the second coming. You are mostly wrong. The sad thing is you'll wake up one day and say I've made a huge mistake, but by then it'll be too late. Both parties are corrupt and beholden to the special intrest groups who got them there.

There are subsidies for green jobs because it's a new industry that MUST be advanced and developed. We have or are subsidizing: farmers, ranchers, oil industry, mining, we build the railroad with subsidises, hydro electric, nuclear, and coal power are subsidised. Even the pharma industry is subsidised.

Tax cuts were extended because the politicians in Washington wanted to get re-elected, and the major contributors to both parties are the wealthy. You figure it out.

Afganistan surge netted Bin Laden, isn't that something?

Obama Care is a joke. Again handing out billions to cronies.

He's on vacation, big deal! Don't you take a vacation? Bush was on his ranch in Texas for 471 days during his 8 yr. presidency. Who cares, they can work there just as well as the White House or camp david. Technology has advanced quite a ways Fred Flintstone.

I assume you're the myopic poster who thinks the Dems are the devil and Rep/tea party are the second coming. You are mostly wrong. The sad thing is you'll wake up one day and

say I've made a huge mistake, but by then it'll be too late. Both parties are corrupt and beholden to the special intrest groups who got them there.

I like this discourse.
--Subsidies are somehow a good thing.
--War, the more the better.
--presidents taking vacations during whatever crisis is happening is cool. Hell, even all the criticism of Bush was unjustified.
--Killing terrorists is a good thing, making the war on terrorism a just war, I guess.
--technology has advanced.
--The Tea Party is a political party - who knew.
--Everyone agrees that Obamacare is a national disgrace that must go.

Thanks for your clarity.

Why won't Obama end subsidies for green jobs or stimulus to Union thugocracy?

Why did he extend Bush tax cuts to the rich when he had super majority control?
Answer: He did not have a super majority. He ws held hostage because the republicans in the senate would filibuster, and there were not 60 democrats to break the filibuster. He he did not give in, there would not have been an extension of unemployment insurance, which was critical. Also, he wanted to exclude the wealthiest, but replublicans would not allow it, again FILLIBUSTER!

Why did he start another war and do a surge in Afghanistan?
As far as the surge is concerned, he did the surge for the same reason that it was done in Iraq. As far as Libya, we can all see from recent events that his strategy was very successful. Now compare this two bush with Iraq and afghanistan and there is no contest. a- We had a REAL coalition, with REAL shared sacrifice. b- The cost to the US was 1 billion, compared to 2 trillion in Iraq. c- No casualties for the US, vs. more than 3000 dead, and many more thousands wounded in Iraq. Ditto for afghanistan.

Why did he hand out 2,500 waivers for Obamacare?
The administration was handing out waivers in order to prevent large health insurance premium hikes that last year’s health care would have otherwise caused.

Why is he in Martha's Vineyard?
He is on vacation with his family. George bush YTD, had 300% more vacation days than Obama. What exactly would occur in washington, that he can not handle in MV. Doesnt his family deserve to have him on their vacation. Isnt congress on vacation until September? The fact is it doesnt matter whether he is in Marthas Vinyard or washington DC, it does not impact how a president works. But of course you already knew this.

Why did he extend Bush tax cuts to the rich when he had super majority control?
Answer: He did not have a super majority. He ws held hostage because the republicans in the senate would filibuster, and there were not 60 democrats to break the filibuster. He he did not give in, there would not have been an extension of unemployment insurance, which was critical. Also, he wanted to exclude the wealthiest, but replublicans would not allow it, again FILLIBUSTER!

Why did he start another war and do a surge in Afghanistan?
As far as the surge is concerned, he did the surge for the same reason that it was done in Iraq. As far as Libya, we can all see from recent events that his strategy was very successful. Now compare this two bush with Iraq and afghanistan and there is no contest. a- We had a REAL coalition, with REAL shared sacrifice. b- The cost to the US was 1 billion, compared to 2 trillion in Iraq. c- No casualties for the US, vs. more than 3000 dead, and many more thousands wounded in Iraq. Ditto for afghanistan.

Why did he hand out 2,500 waivers for Obamacare?
The administration was handing out waivers in order to prevent large health insurance premium hikes that last year’s health care would have otherwise caused.

Why is he in Martha's Vineyard?
He is on vacation with his family. George bush YTD, had 300% more vacation days than Obama. What exactly would occur in washington, that he can not handle in MV. Doesnt his family deserve to have him on their vacation. Isnt congress on vacation until September? The fact is it doesnt matter whether he is in Marthas Vinyard or washington DC, it does not impact how a president works. But of course you already knew this.

Why won't Obama end subsidies for green jobs or stimulus to Union thugocracy?

Why did he extend Bush tax cuts to the rich when he had super majority control?

Why did he start another war and do a surge in Afghanistan?

Why did he hand out 2,500 waivers for Obamacare?

Why is he in Martha's Vineyard?


Why did he start another war and do a surge in Afghanistan?
So he could get bin Laden who Bush was protecting by avoiding going into where he obviously was.

Why is the Tea Party/GOP against every jobs bill, tax bill, etc that they'd normally be in favor of but refuse to vote on because it could benefit our country under Obama? They are so hell bent on protecting their wealthy benefactors, so clueless about government procedures, like raising the debt ceiling, and so determined to ruin Obama's reputation that they'll ruin our economy just to have a better chance against Obama for the 2012 race. They claim to be "Christian Conservatives" but they are the first to demand cuts on the poor, elderly, disabled, women & children, while refusing to reduce or remove tax bonuses to the wealthy. They're openly racist, and against other's race, religion and sexual preferences, trying to create a white male supremacy, setting us back 100 years.

Obama took vacation? Who cares! Congress is off for 5 weeks for god's sake and did nothing the entire year except defund NPS, stand by their boyscout tax pledge, and create extreme bills against women's rights!

Why is the Tea Party/GOP against every jobs bill, tax bill, etc that they'd normally be in favor of but refuse to vote on because it could benefit our country under Obama? They are so hell bent on protecting their wealthy benefactors, so clueless about government procedures, like raising the debt ceiling, and so determined to ruin Obama's reputation that they'll ruin our economy just to have a better chance against Obama for the 2012 race. They claim to be "Christian Conservatives" but they are the first to demand cuts on the poor, elderly, disabled, women & children, while refusing to reduce or remove tax bonuses to the wealthy. They're openly racist, and against other's race, religion and sexual preferences, trying to create a white male supremacy, setting us back 100 years.

Obama took vacation? Who cares! Congress is off for 5 weeks for god's sake and did nothing the entire year except defund NPR, stand by their boyscout tax pledge, and create extreme bills against women's rights!

Why is the Tea Party/GOP against every jobs bill, tax bill, etc that they'd normally be in favor of but refuse to vote on because it could benefit our country under Obama? They are so hell bent on protecting their wealthy benefactors, so clueless about government procedures, like raising the debt ceiling, and so determined to ruin Obama's reputation that they'll ruin our economy just to have a better chance against Obama for the 2012 race. They claim to be "Christian Conservatives" but they are the first to demand cuts on the poor, elderly, disabled, women & children, while refusing to reduce or remove tax bonuses to the wealthy. They're openly racist, and against other's race, religion and sexual preferences, trying to create a white male supremacy, setting us back 100 years.

Obama took vacation? Who cares! Congress is off for 5 weeks for god's sake and did nothing the entire year except defund NPR, stand by their boyscout tax pledge, and create extreme bills against women's rights!

Right on every count but the majority of American voters are just too dumb to see it.

Conservatives are rabid Right to Lifers but once that child is born they would let it die without any remorse at all. Could there be a bigger hypocrisy than that?

Obama is a disaster who can't be defended without majorly distorting the Bush record, history or facts about the tea party mindset.

Not one person gave a truly factual defense of Obama.

I don't think lies will sell very well in 2012.

Obama is a disaster who can't be defended without majorly distorting the Bush record, history or facts about the tea party mindset.

Not one person gave a truly factual defense of Obama.

I don't think lies will sell very well in 2012.

And the OP was talking about Kindler who is one of many corporate cronies of Obama.

The defenders of Obama are really psychotic. They have departed from reality since 2008.

Obama is a disaster who can't be defended without majorly distorting the Bush record, history or facts about the tea party mindset.

Not one person gave a truly factual defense of Obama.

I don't think lies will sell very well in 2012.

-You men we weren't in the worst economy since the Great Depression, when bush left office?
-You mean bush didn't use "weapons of mass destruction" as an excuse to invade, and occupy Iraq?
-You mean there really WERE WMD found in Iraq?
-You mean the bush ta cuts did NOT add 3 billion to the budget?
- You mean the bush med-d plan was funded?
- You mean bush did not start two unfunded wars, the first unfunded wars in US history?
- You mean that those two unfunded wars have not added more than 3 trillion. YTD, to the deficit?
-You mean 9/11 didnt happen in 2001, when bush was in office for eight months (oh, forgot it was clintons fault)?

OOps, my bad, I got it all wrong!

Now to the election, exactly what republican is going to beat obama? The tea party wackos ensure that your candidates run to the extreme right. So, a right wing coocoo might win the republican nomination, but no way will a tea party type ever when over independents, therefore they can not win the election. Ok, so Rick Perry is going to beat Obama? Michelle Bachmann? Mitt Romney, miaybe but he wont win the nomination (nut enough foam emanating from his mouth). Unless the republicans put the tea party nuts in place, they dont stand a chance to win the presidency.

-You men we weren't in the worst economy since the Great Depression, when bush left office?
-You mean bush didn't use "weapons of mass destruction" as an excuse to invade, and occupy Iraq?
-You mean there really WERE WMD found in Iraq?
-You mean the bush ta cuts did NOT add 3 billion to the budget?
- You mean the bush med-d plan was funded?
- You mean bush did not start two unfunded wars, the first unfunded wars in US history?
- You mean that those two unfunded wars have not added more than 3 trillion. YTD, to the deficit?
-You mean 9/11 didnt happen in 2001, when bush was in office for eight months (oh, forgot it was clintons fault)?

OOps, my bad, I got it all wrong!

Now to the election, exactly what republican is going to beat obama? The tea party wackos ensure that your candidates run to the extreme right. So, a right wing coocoo might win the republican nomination, but no way will a tea party type ever when over independents, therefore they can not win the election. Ok, so Rick Perry is going to beat Obama? Michelle Bachmann? Mitt Romney, miaybe but he wont win the nomination (nut enough foam emanating from his mouth). Unless the republicans put the tea party nuts in place, they dont stand a chance to win the presidency.

During the primary season, the extreme views will make many of the afore mentioned candidates un-vote worthy that's true. But it's another thing when you go the general election and vote. I don't think independents will vote in high numbers for Obama. That leaves either low voter turnout or the convservatiive candidate.

Obama isn't the mess many people desribe. He hasn't ruined this country, and he's done some good things (bin laden, gadafi). Conservatives blow things out of proportion just like the Dems. Fact is, Congress has low approval ratings, President has low approval ratings, and this country is in worse shape because of the consistent poor leadership exhibited by both parties.
If the country was like Pfizer, we would offer Obama $65mm to leave and each member of congress $25mm to retire. Since it's not I guess we'll have to count on you idiots to vote out our nations leaders.

Doesn't matter. We have seen Obama is a poor CEO bordering on incompetent or just disconnected. His socialist ways are far far left of the American center. He has put as much debt on the books in 2 years as Bush did in 8. He, when Bush was president, said putting so much debt on the credit card was incompetent. This country probably will never repay their debt. If Obamacare gets traction along with Soc security, medicare/caid, we are broke. Whe n we default, all the savings of everybody is reset to $0. Spreading the wealth.

Yes. But it appears that he also has the thievery characteristics of a Republican. That is how he is able to sleep like a baby after ruining lives and companies for a living. That is also how he feels entitled to approve helicopter flights for his flunkees.

Alas, as shown in 2010 the electorate do not vote based upon knowledge and facts. Their vote is based on ignorance and all the lies, fear and distortion thrown at them. People vote for ideologies that sound so wonderfully American but have failed, failed and failed them again in the real world. There's no sane reason for any working person, student or retiree to vote Republican but many (perhaps most) will. We will all pay a high price for that now and in the future.

As for the new Republican front runner Rick Perry, Texas is a real mess with a 26 billion dollar decifit and failed school system. But those too will be ignored........