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All Galderma leaders, in your future jobs (yes you will need future jobs once you get canned) you better hope that you dont come across any of the people you have made suffer for your own personal agendas, politics, cheating, greed. Yes that includes you Shires -the person whose ass youve been sucking is going to leave soon. It would suck to get fired at 50+ and look for a job. When that day comes, you all better look over your shoulder and wonder why you did not get the role you thought you would. Its most likely that someone knew someone and fucked you over. :)

Spot on. I am L-1 at m new company and late last year one of the folks from Galderma applied. HR reached out to me for reference and guess what the result was - she used to be a leader at Galderma US, politics galore. No job.

Sales Reps, do your job and sell, be grateful you have a job here, and say thank you to your leader. Whiny bunch of entitled Gen Z crybabies. You’re employed by an “at will” place of employment, this is not Russia where you’re forced to work so if you don’t like us, quit!

You’re welcome!

To the motherfu**er who wrote the above statement, you are at best a follower / impotent individual. You are correct it is an at will employment, but if the at will is based on lies that are fed as initial promises then it is no better than a scam. No one feels good when you get scammed. Imagine your kid or your family member wanting to join a company. Is that the advice you would pass - "take a job, get scammed and shut you mouth and be thankful?". If so, youre an asshole. If not, then stop spewing bullshit and hypocrisy about how people have to be thankful for an employer that scams its employees financially. Fuck off.

To the motherfu**er who wrote the above statement, you are at best a follower / impotent individual. You are correct it is an at will employment, but if the at will is based on lies that are fed as initial promises then it is no better than a scam. No one feels good when you get scammed. Imagine your kid or your family member wanting to join a company. Is that the advice you would pass - "take a job, get scammed and shut you mouth and be thankful?". If so, youre an asshole. If not, then stop spewing bullshit and hypocrisy about how people have to be thankful for an employer that scams its employees financially. Fuck off.
I wrote the above, here’s the deal. Ok, you joined and company and found out “you got scammed”, do something about it. Make it work or quit! Don’t stay here and complain like a bitchhhhhh! This is an “at will” place of employment, put up, shut up, or get up and leave. Stop being an entitled whinny spineless baby.

Grow TF Up!

I wrote the above, here’s the deal. Ok, you joined and company and found out “you got scammed”, do something about it. Make it work or quit! Don’t stay here and complain like a bitchhhhhh! This is an “at will” place of employment, put up, shut up, or get up and leave. Stop being an entitled whinny spineless baby.

Grow TF Up!
Great education for the people you give advice / mentor. You have either never been a leader or are a shitty one at best.
Who says that I haven’t handed my notice already? no one likes to get scammed - think of me when that happens to you in your or your family’s life and take a moment to reflect how people can be such low life scumbags. Karma is a bitch mothergucker and you will definitely get yours. Keep looking over your shoulder and enjoy the view for now.

Great education for the people you give advice / mentor. You have either never been a leader or are a shitty one at best.
Who says that I haven’t handed my notice already? no one likes to get scammed - think of me when that happens to you in your or your family’s life and take a moment to reflect how people can be such low life scumbags. Karma is a bitch mothergucker and you will definitely get yours. Keep looking over your shoulder and enjoy the view for now.
Stop whining, silly bitch

Sales Reps, do your job and sell, be grateful you have a job here, and say thank you to your leader. Whiny bunch of entitled Gen Z crybabies. You’re employed by an “at will” place of employment, this is not Russia where you’re forced to work so if you don’t like us, quit!

You’re welcome!
You’re an ignorant idiot with zero empathy. Over 50 and if I could, I would quit. Have been looking for a new job for 6 months. Not easy. And no, I‘m not a sales rep.

Great education for the people you give advice / mentor. You have either never been a leader or are a shitty one at best.
Who says that I haven’t handed my notice already? no one likes to get scammed - think of me when that happens to you in your or your family’s life and take a moment to reflect how people can be such low life scumbags. Karma is a bitch mothergucker and you will definitely get yours. Keep looking over your shoulder and enjoy the view for now.
Queue JT and Cry Me a River.


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You’re an ignorant idiot with zero empathy. Over 50 and if I could, I would quit. Have been looking for a new job for 6 months. Not easy. And no, I‘m not a sales rep.
I’m not quite sure why people over 50 still need to work. If you invest your money wisely in your early days you shouldn’t need to rely on a job for your income. The true crime is working past 50. It means you’ve wasted your opportunity to grow your money and get out of the rat race.