Justice seekers


Today was a very sad day within our market. The shocking and upsetting news that our leader was terminated (without any explanation or address to the market by upper leadership). This leader embodied the epitome of leadership, possessing unparalleled talent, skills and an unwavering passion each and everyday. Their loyalty and dedication to their career were evident every single day, as they tirelessly assisted and collaborated with colleagues. The abrupt termination of such a dedicated leader has left the entire market devastated… fostering a deep sense of mistrust and skepticism throughout the entire market. This has raised concerns about fairness and integrity at EXAS.

Well said! What happened today is an atrocity! Letting go of the most knowledgeable and well respected leader most have ever worked under has to be one of the dumbest business decisions I’ve ever witnessed. Make it make sense!?!?

Today was a very sad day within our market. The shocking and upsetting news that our leader was terminated (without any explanation or address to the market by upper leadership). This leader embodied the epitome of leadership, possessing unparalleled talent, skills and an unwavering passion each and everyday. Their loyalty and dedication to their career were evident every single day, as they tirelessly assisted and collaborated with colleagues. The abrupt termination of such a dedicated leader has left the entire market devastated… fostering a deep sense of mistrust and skepticism throughout the entire market. This has raised concerns about fairness and integrity at EXAS.

Who was this that was abruptly terminated?

Well said! What happened today is an atrocity! Letting go of the most knowledgeable and well respected leader most have ever worked under has to be one of the dumbest business decisions I’ve ever witnessed. Make it make sense!?!?

Which leader are you referring to? There were small cuts made across the screening division, a handful of positions overall. I’m curious as to which market this leader was in!

I didn’t hear about other cuts, any SDHM? this was in the Mid Atlantic … i’m not in this market but he was here for over 8 years and well loved by many… i’m going to reach out to him after the dust settles bc knowing him - he’s gotta be devastated. . . I smell bull shit….

Today was a very sad day within our market. The shocking and upsetting news that our leader was terminated (without any explanation or address to the market by upper leadership). This leader embodied the epitome of leadership, possessing unparalleled talent, skills and an unwavering passion each and everyday. Their loyalty and dedication to their career were evident every single day, as they tirelessly assisted and collaborated with colleagues. The abrupt termination of such a dedicated leader has left the entire market devastated… fostering a deep sense of mistrust and skepticism throughout the entire market. This has raised concerns about fairness and integrity at EXAS.

Today was a very sad day within our market. The shocking and upsetting news that our leader was terminated (without any explanation or address to the market by upper leadership). This leader embodied the epitome of leadership, possessing unparalleled talent, skills and an unwavering passion each and everyday. Their loyalty and dedication to their career were evident every single day, as they tirelessly assisted and collaborated with colleagues. The abrupt termination of such a dedicated leader has left the entire market devastated… fostering a deep sense of mistrust and skepticism throughout the entire market. This has raised concerns about fairness and integrity at EXAS.

Pretty difficult to get terminated if you did nothing wrong. Especially with the jokers running this show. A few more of these guys need to go.

I didn’t hear about other cuts, any SDHM? this was in the Mid Atlantic … i’m not in this market but he was here for over 8 years and well loved by many… i’m going to reach out to him after the dust settles bc knowing him - he’s gotta be devastated. . . I smell bull shit….

Pathetic move by a WEAK leader, it should tell everyone in the east to watch their back.

HORRIBLE decision. this man can run the company better than these clowns. the number one team last year, number one SDHM. everything is crystal clear and we have been a target since day 1. how can you even trust HR here?

BC and EC probably felt threatened by this man because in all honesty he should be the one running this company! They preach passion and mission and grit and all these buzz words… they have a leader who embodies all of that and more and then turn around and stab him in the back. I want a redo on the latest Gallup survey!

BC and EC probably felt threatened by this man because in all honesty he should be the one running this company! They preach passion and mission and grit and all these buzz words… they have a leader who embodies all of that and more and then turn around and stab him in the back. I want a redo on the latest Gallup survey!

He had his favorites that he protected. Agree very good intellect, just not very good EI. Leadership is lonely and you should never demonstrate favoritism. You will have forgotten about him in two weeks. It’s the circle of life in corporate America. Yes, EC and BE are incompetent but for whatever reason, KC cannot see through it, refuses to see through it, or has another agenda. EC hasn’t had a strategic thought since he’s been here and BE is just flat out uncomfortable to engage.

He had his favorites that he protected. Agree very good intellect, just not very good EI. Leadership is lonely and you should never demonstrate favoritism. You will have forgotten about him in two weeks. It’s the circle of life in corporate America. Yes, EC and BE are incompetent but for whatever reason, KC cannot see through it, refuses to see through it, or has another agenda. EC hasn’t had a strategic thought since he’s been here and BE is just flat out uncomfortable to engage.

Uncomfortable to engage bc she’s a snake

Relax there, Fido! Hate to break it to you, but you are not in the running for his job, or any other one for that matter!
Why the anger. Just stating a fact and I never was interested in his job nor do I want that job. Do you honestly believe someone gets terminated for no reason? It’s a personal matter and none of our business but the facts are the facts, big companies do not fire people without documentation.