Just Shut The F Up

To do WHAT, exactly? Make sure we are able to collect signatures correctly? The only bigger fucking joke than this drug rep job is the district manager job. Kind of like being the biggest fly on a steaming pile of dogshit.


My manager does nothing but bitch, complain, and look for a better job. That seems wrong.

This job allows you so much free time to look elsewhere it is ridiculous. On top of that if you just put in the bare minimum and not be a BMW(bitch,moan,whine) employee you'll probably look great with the numbers/review which only add to your job search ability...

Quit the complaining and do something positive...

This job allows you so much free time to look elsewhere it is ridiculous. On top of that if you just put in the bare minimum and not be a BMW(bitch,moan,whine) employee you'll probably look great with the numbers/review which only add to your job search ability...

Quit the complaining and do something positive...

Suzy sells seashells down by the sea shore.

As a manager trying to manage a bunch of worthless idiots I can say first hand you have diddily for brains. I got a group of mindless lazy dumb individuals. I see why you all are contract. No one else would have you

Oh mr. manager we just want you to know you are very special, intelligent, and talented. As "contract" reps we just want to know how we can be more like you, a "contract manager".

As a manager of a new contract I can tell you I have never had to deal with a group of more inept, dumb, whiny, lazy reps in my life. You all live up to your reputation as contract reps. Worthless!

What??? Were you black or hispanic when you took this job? NO. I get it . . you think you're worth a lot more than the company thinks you're worth. Go look in the mirror honkie.

You fucking little piss ant temp cso contract worthless pos reps are going to get on here and talk smack about the managers? At least we have a position worth speaking about. You worthless little fucks that amount to nothing at 50 years old. Kiss my hairy balls. At least some of us can call oursleves managers. Good luck temps. the gig is up soon!!!!!

Most managers whether they be at inVentiv, Innovex or PDI are herms! Yes herms. They continually swing both ways, yanking it in one direction and sucking it in the other. Take a close look at your DM the next time you work with him/her. One minute they will show a bulge, and the next, totally flat as one would look with a camel toe!

This quote is the best thing i have seen in years. Hilaroious!

You fucking little piss ant temp cso contract worthless pos reps are going to get on here and talk smack about the managers? At least we have a position worth speaking about. You worthless little fucks that amount to nothing at 50 years old. Kiss my hairy balls. At least some of us can call oursleves managers. Good luck temps. the gig is up soon!!!!!

Classy managers! That is what you should be called. Now just for clarification, why are you a manager of a contract? Sorry you couldn't get a real postition as a DM.

Classy managers! That is what you should be called. Now just for clarification, why are you a manager of a contract? Sorry you couldn't get a real postition as a DM.

It's a temp job all the way up to director. Both managers and reps have come from mfg and or cso. Who really cares it's a paycheck in a poor economy and fading industry. Everyone needs to revaluate and change direction. The problem is that pharma is the golden handcuff.

The only complainers are the big Pharma rethreads and Ventiv should look long and hard at the recruiting department who hires these fools, while most people that are on cephalon contract and ones that were laid off in January are the core people who moved from the BI contract. Those are the loyal reps who were happy but this cephalon contract has been a disaster from the start and now the ones laid off in Jan are still unenployed while the others will be out of a job soon with no chance of rehire for the 1 new contract they have. There were 600 Reps on the BI contract, 350 went to cephalon the other 250 went to SA. Those are the loyal reps. Now Ventiv has s bunch of reps that feel entitled to more and giving back less. Anyone near Ventiv home office is screwed because they gave jobs to HR managers ( see Joan oldham thread) along with the other inside staff.

The only complainers are the big Pharma rethreads and Ventiv should look long and hard at the recruiting department who hires these fools, while most people that are on cephalon contract and ones that were laid off in January are the core people who moved from the BI contract. Those are the loyal reps who were happy but this cephalon contract has been a disaster from the start and now the ones laid off in Jan are still unenployed while the others will be out of a job soon with no chance of rehire for the 1 new contract they have. There were 600 Reps on the BI contract, 350 went to cephalon the other 250 went to SA. Those are the loyal reps. Now Ventiv has s bunch of reps that feel entitled to more and giving back less. Anyone near Ventiv home office is screwed because they gave jobs to HR managers ( see Joan oldham thread) along with the other inside staff.

Like the title says, just shut the F up