Where did Mark go? Really liked that guy and working for him at Celgene. Sorry you guys lost him too.Good sales and marketing talent gone (MRiedl, ALin)
Where did Mark go? Really liked that guy and working for him at Celgene. Sorry you guys lost him too.Good sales and marketing talent gone (MRiedl, ALin)
Alvin was a loss, Mark was nothing special but also not out to fuck the sales force so things can get worse and they probably will. I believe 9 reps have left since the start of the year counting karyo departures. People will continue to go for the reasons below:Where did Mark go? Really liked that guy and working for him at Celgene. Sorry you guys lost him too.
Wow it must be awful then! Sanofi is the pits. Worked there many years ago and can attest it was the worst. How are folks who went to Karyopharm?people are leaving to go to sanofi which is a real slap in the face
Don't forget his admin quit also.2 weeks ago there was a time that there was no one running sales, market access, or marketing. When will JN be held accounatble for his inability to keep people?
Don't forget his admin quit also.
Alvin was a loss, Mark was nothing special but also not out to fuck the sales force so things can get worse and they probably will. I believe 9 reps have left since the start of the year counting karyo departures. People will continue to go for the reasons below:
1. New geographies with routing is creating hardships for many who did not sign on for that.
2. No equity
3. Pods with JNJ
4. Northcutt is terrible
5. bad vacation policy 3 weeks with no holiday break. No company will be worse
6. bad bonus payouts
7. terrible culture and treatment at NSM's; long days, no free night,
8. massive turnover all around leaves even happy reps wondering
9. sales force input is not sought, not encouraged, or ignored ( see #1)
10. Abbvie reps get 20 k in profit sharing while we are given 6000 grand in rsu's