Just joined

Just do what everyone does: smile, say selling Imbruvica is great, work part time, pursue your personal interests and look for your next job. When you look at it that way this place is the best. YEAH!!!!!!!
Is any one else offended that the head of sales gets on a call and says you better do ........ and we will be watching you closely? This guy is a joke and seeing him next week play that aw shucks routine will be painful.
I love this place. People leave in bunches and management says all is well. Reviews are all positive despite the fact that my boss could not sell her way out of a paper bag. Funny shit but the checks keep coming and watching this ship sink will be very funny.
2nd quarter: The company notifies 25 reps they were overpaid. The company says it will repay itself from the December bonus check.

3rd quarter: The company has a new data issue, retracts numbers. All of a sudden everyone's percent to quota falls to below quota? The guy in sales ops get promoted.

This company is a sham. Can't wait to leave, no faith in "leadership". Terrible waste of a great drug!

4th quarter: FLA CC has a huge buy in and magically everyone from Florida wins

1st quarter: Formulation change rolled out a week before the end of the quarter and everyone is below quota. Numbers delayed while they look to see what the problems are.

How can a company with one drug and limited distribution have problems with the numbers every quarter yet management does nothing to improve things? Bad leadership!!!!!!!
Solution is to raise the price of the capsule. The capsule is being used by many academic centers who raised the issue and created the bad press in the first place. Management team is beyond incompetent. The only good thing is seeing who will take to fall for the poor decisions. I guess Abbvie should not have went with their 8th choice to lead PCYC.
2nd quarter: The company notifies 25 reps they were overpaid. The company says it will repay itself from the December bonus check.

3rd quarter: The company has a new data issue, retracts numbers. All of a sudden everyone's percent to quota falls to below quota? The guy in sales ops get promoted.

This company is a sham. Can't wait to leave, no faith in "leadership". Terrible waste of a great drug!

Just had a physician ask me at lunch how many sales reps does he need to see for Imbruvica? I could not give him an answer. He said he would just cut back on seeing patients to see all the Imbruvica reps. We both laughed.

This new leadership is so primary care

Pods. Now no reprints. Company is going backwards.....