June 29! I thought they said middle of July ?


So who believes it's still single digits ? I do not trust one thing they say.

I have no doubt it will be single digits, very low single digits, probably 2% or 3%. This is nothing. Look, they exempted Movantik, Brilinta and hospital. If they exempted the former CNS folks, then this has to be small! XR has just a few, then all they will have is an ancient comarket drug, and Mo! How many people do you need to see that? Apparently, in their eyes, you need all of them! There will be a few that lose their jobs, but it will be extremely small.

BUT, the next one, and there will be a next one, will be massive. Watch as our "wonderful" pipeline becomes not to be so wonderful after all. If you are worried, take the time you have while practicing the ALL DAY LIE, and start looking. As for me, I'm not worried. I spent my time yesterday with the kids at the pool, of course with iPad in hand to enter calls!

I have no doubt it will be single digits, very low single digits, probably 2% or 3%. This is nothing. Look, they exempted Movantik, Brilinta and hospital. If they exempted the former CNS folks, then this has to be small! XR has just a few, then all they will have is an ancient comarket drug, and Mo! How many people do you need to see that? Apparently, in their eyes, you need all of them! There will be a few that lose their jobs, but it will be extremely small.

BUT, the next one, and there will be a next one, will be massive. Watch as our "wonderful" pipeline becomes not to be so wonderful after all. If you are worried, take the time you have while practicing the ALL DAY LIE, and start looking. As for me, I'm not worried. I spent my time yesterday with the kids at the pool, of course with iPad in hand to enter calls!

Not getting rid of CNS because (whether accurate or not) perception is that they can actually sell vs. living the all day lie and selling saving cards. When XR goes, possibly expect another round of layoffs coming from PCP group backfilled by CNS. Just speculation.

I have no doubt it will be single digits, very low single digits, probably 2% or 3%. This is nothing. Look, they exempted Movantik, Brilinta and hospital. If they exempted the former CNS folks, then this has to be small! XR has just a few, then all they will have is an ancient comarket drug, and Mo! How many people do you need to see that? Apparently, in their eyes, you need all of them! There will be a few that lose their jobs, but it will be extremely small.

BUT, the next one, and there will be a next one, will be massive. Watch as our "wonderful" pipeline becomes not to be so wonderful after all. If you are worried, take the time you have while practicing the ALL DAY LIE, and start looking. As for me, I'm not worried. I spent my time yesterday with the kids at the pool, of course with iPad in hand to enter calls!
Well , my smart friend diabetes was already told 200 minus open territories is around 130 , that's around 8 to 9 percent and my past experience with the French fryer is its going to be much worse. But I hope you are right!

Chowever we anticipate a single digit percentage
across all of our therapeutic teams. Reductions will vary across the individual TAs as we prioritize investments in our main Therapy Areas.
Well that means is different units could have higher deductions and others lower , we could be fucked in diabetes.

The 200 (or 130 for with vacancies) will be interesting due to the split selling teams. Will Oral & Injectible be evenly split? Or will reductions be heavy in one T.A. vs another depending on geo?

Not getting rid of CNS because (whether accurate or not) perception is that they can actually sell vs. living the all day lie and selling saving cards. When XR goes, po/>cv busily expect another round of layoffs coming from PCP group backfilled by CNS. Just speculation.

Who's perception? "Selling" Pristine, who is covered on 99% of managed care plans, and has been out and wide

ly used for years, is not exactly a great example. In re Movantik, it hasn't exactly set the woods on fire either. For XR, again, it's been widely used for years, and has outstanding managed care coverage. So, Movantik has been the only test CNS has had for years. Also, Wouldn't classify them as strictly a "specialty" team either. That would go to ONC, and hospital, to a somewhat lesser degree.

I also think this layoff will be very minor, and a much, much bigger is coming. The question is when.

What does stay by the phone mean?
so we're told whether or not we have a job, then have a great day,you're expected to get out in the field and work kind of day?
One might think if we have jobs,yes,you work just like any other day. But,if you're laid off, certainly you wouldn't be in field immediately following, right?

What does stay by the phone mean?
so we're told whether or not we have a job, then have a great day,you're expected to get out in the field and work kind of day?
One might think if we have jobs,yes,you work just like any other day. But,if you're laid off, certainly you wouldn't be in field immediately following, right?

Hell no.

Wrong. When AZ notifies someone that they are no longer employed it is immediate. They do not trust their employees and consider you at that point a disgruntled employee who might bad mouth the company, purposely trash the company car or cheat on your expenses. Remember that at the root of this company is a total distrust of its sales people who must be micro managed constantly. At the point you are notified you will be on administrative leave until further notice.

Wrong. When AZ notifies someone that they are no longer employed it is immediate. They do not trust their employees and consider you at that point a disgruntled employee who might bad mouth the company, purposely trash the company car or cheat on your expenses. Remember that at the root of this company is a total distrust of its sales people who must be micro managed constantly. At the point you are notified you will be on administrative leave until further notice.

Wrong? Maybe you should slow down and read. Hell no was a response to wether or not a rep would be working in the field after they found out they were laid off. There is no way in hell I'd be in the field.

If you are let go and want to go out and make calls or cancel lunches do it. People deal with this sort of thing differently. The company will tell you not to make calls. However, they don't own you or control you. Do what you want and enjoy the freedom.

Not getting rid of CNS because (whether accurate or not) perception is that they can actually sell vs. living the all day lie and selling saving cards. When XR goes, possibly expect another round of layoffs coming from PCP group backfilled by CNS. Just speculation.

"Living the all day lie" is an eponym here. Does anyone really think that "they" do not know?

Do you know how much over and above your salary an employee costs? "They" or anyone -- a team of three college freshman business majors -- could turn around AZ in a weekend.

Step one: Fire 90% of the reps.
Step two: inform the doctors that AZ is doing this because all of the reps are a waste of time and resources, both for the drug companies and the doctors. The patients??? (who cares -- it's about bucks and always has been.
Step three: start competing with the generics houses, explicitly. (AZ still makes generic TXL and Nex, Prilosec.) We will not be undersold! But we will undersell ourselves... :)

The ALL DAY LIE (ADL) phenomenon has taken over AZ, as it should have. It's like an opiate for our reps, but doesn't cause opioid induced constipation, therefore we don't need Movantik. Yes, they could can 90% of us, but they won't. W/o us to "manage", what would THEY do? They would no longer be needed. They cut their own throat by getting rid of us. No, my little addicted friends, 98% of us will be around to continue to participate in our wonderful custom, the ADL! Then, soon after the layoff, maybe 6 months, AZ will rehire more reps than were let go. It's our way of doing business. Deep down Frenchie loves us like his own children. Yes, we constantly misbehave, but he forgives and forgets.

Gotta go check the movie listings for right after lunch. Going to meet the family for a movie and popcorn. Of course, my wife will smuggle my iPad in her purse, and we will sit up high in the theater so the light won't be noticed when I enter a call or 2.


to poster 8

Reading thru the "aim" materials, if you are to lose your job on June 28, you will be paid out thru Aug but not expected to be in the field making calls. Will receive fsip for July and August at target, and your severance package will be paid within the first few days after termination. Turning in your car, computers and whatever else depends on when your manager gets to it.

200 territories is not 200 reps. If there are an average of 2.5 reps per territory that would be 500 reps and if 40 of those were vacancies it would mean 460 reps and probably 20-30 managers would be cut. I have never seen a layoff that is smaller than what is indicated by leaked details and rumors. Feel as confident or as nervous as you want but the reality is if they keep it within a single digit percentage cut, it is likely a high single digit. Why stress everyone out to cut 1 or 2%?