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CEO Brennan is out, retiring, CFO Lowth interim CEO from June

Got a message about how much. $$$ seroquelxr is worth, buckets of $$!

Our stock is down 2.86 this am, I hope it plummets another $10 Oreo to end up about. Where it belongs

We have an intellectual in the White House who surrounded himself with intellectuals, i.e. College Professor who talk about everything but do nothing. Doe that sound familiar? And look how that is working out for us.

DB was no intellectual and certainly no professor. He was not even particularly well educated, he was a salesman. Did you even have a point?

Marion better wipe that little smirk off her face or her ass will go the way of DB.
They will most likely bring in someone from outside. If Zook was their guy they would not have announced that they are looking outside and inside fo the company. A new person from outside will bring their own team with them so bye bye Marion, Fante, and the rest of the ass clown puppet show.

The next AZ CEO will likely not be from sales or from R&D. Probably he or she will either be a proven turn-around restructuring expert like the new incoming Chairman himself, or a corporate merger maven deal maker depending on which way they decide to go with this hobbled company.

They will most likely bring in someone from outside. If Zook was their guy they would not have announced that they are looking outside and inside fo the company. A new person from outside will bring their own team with them so bye bye Marion, Fante, and the rest of the ass clown puppet show.

I agree with this assessment. This would definitely be a good thing for the future of AZ. The current US management are incompetent. Promotions are given out to those in power based on circle of friends within the company and not based on knowledge, skills and performance --attributes that actually quantify competence.

Quarterly numbers were dismal. We all know that and can understand what happened in Western Europe and the US of A. However a 1 percent drop in sales in Emerging markets is a major cause of concern. Senior leaders at AZ have pointed to Emerging Markets as a double digit growth area for this company. This, I believe really points to the "SICKNESS" of this company.

I have been interviewing for six months and am waiting for the right offer. Those of you who think "everything will be fine" need to wake up. If you are not looking to get out of this place you are totally insane.

Never agreed that a marketing man at the top was a smart move.
Good riddance.

I would rather have a real pharma guy, someone who worked in the field, than some dumb ass, no pharma experienecd, over paid, asshoi;le. At least Brennan paid his dues like the rest of us. Also, most big pharma CEO's are commerical, not scientific guys.

this is the final nail in the coffin for a merger. any new ceo will be brought in for the express purpose of winding the company down and selling it off. it's what the board wants, brennan was all about not diversifying and making small deals, they want big deals so they can cash out and jump ship, and fuck the tens of thousands of people that get laid off.

DB was no intellectual and certainly no professor.

but he has 3 mansions around the world, millions in the bank, and millions more coming his way. he retires to a life of extreme luxury and sets up his family for the high life for generations to come. while we slog away day after day getting paid $$ he would wipe his ass with. so who's really smarter?

Insurance companies, HMO's, generics, the government etc have DESTROYED AZ and the pharmaceutical industry!!!

Americans want to go to McDonald's everyday but still have the pharmaceutical industry cure their illness. And they want it for f'ing 3 cents on the dollar! IT DON"T work that way people!!! Wise up! Kill the pharmaceutical industry and you KILL MEDICINE!!!!

Actually, American's need less drugs. We have all of these drugs and we are getting sicker everyday. We pay too much for healthcare across the board. American's sit on their fat asses, eat fast food high fat diets, are too busy to raise their kids so they put them on drugs and as soon as they are overwhelmed turn to anti depressants. Then docs who are too lazy to learn about what a TLC is push pills after a 3 minute sit down with a patient.

Stop drinking the "everyone needs my drug for the rest of their life drug kool aid" You are no better than the dope pusher on the corner.

I am glad to be out of pharma and working in technology. No. I do not make as much money as I did when I was a rep but I have maintained my lifestyle. I do not have to go into offices looking like a dumbass, kissing ass everyday for a signature and hope to get in a 60 second call so I can put in a BS call note to follow up on when I go in the office next week to kiss more ass and hope for that same 60 DIALOGUE.

We need less drugs and a lot less drug reps. BTW, technology is going to replace you as a rep. Get a grip.

I bet this mother fucking piece of shit who ran our company straight into the crapper will get his severance pay before all of us reps who were cut becuase this fucker doesn't have the skills to run a lemonade stand.

Fuck you DB!

Well, well, well. How are all of the 'KOOL-AID DRINKERS" feeling right about now? What about the totally stupid DM's that talk all day about how great AZ is doing? One in FL comes to mind! The quarterly numbers were THE worst in AZ history, and the worst is yet to come! Much worse!! I left several months ago and i can tell you that if you get off your butt, you can find something else as well. Hospital/CVAS are in a very bad place with The Medicine Company being brought in to sell Brilinta, when they couldn't. Crestor has stalled. Seroquel IR has tanked. Symbicort faces generic Advair by years' end or the first of next year, and then goes off patent shortly thereafter!!!! Nexium goes in 2014!

People wake up! Pull out the "KOOL-AID IV" and get moving and planning your escape outta here! Time IS running out on all of you!!

Well, well, well. How are all of the 'KOOL-AID DRINKERS" feeling right about now? What about the totally stupid DM's that talk all day about how great AZ is doing? One in FL comes to mind! The quarterly numbers were THE worst in AZ history, and the worst is yet to come! Much worse!! I left several months ago and i can tell you that if you get off your butt, you can find something else as well. Hospital/CVAS are in a very bad place with The Medicine Company being brought in to sell Brilinta, when they couldn't. Crestor has stalled. Seroquel IR has tanked. Symbicort faces generic Advair by years' end or the first of next year, and then goes off patent shortly thereafter!!!! Nexium goes in 2014!

People wake up! Pull out the "KOOL-AID IV" and get moving and planning your escape outta here! Time IS running out on all of you!!

No....I plan to stick it out and save up until they push my ass out the door. Thanks for the advice anyway fucker!

but he has 3 mansions around the world, millions in the bank, and millions more coming his way. he retires to a life of extreme luxury and sets up his family for the high life for generations to come. while we slog away day after day getting paid $$ he would wipe his ass with. so who's really smarter?

None of that makes him smart, just ruthless. He is a disgrace now, he can keep the money, it won't buy him back his good name. Brennan is now doomed to be a pariah forever.