July POA


Seriously....with all that is going on and the fact we have no idea who will still be employed, training sends out an email about a 2 day/1night poa in July....as if nothing is going on and it is just business as usual....


Seemed pretty messed up. Also the wording of the people who are not placed in roles are also receiving this hold the date. Makes it sound like the decision is already made, great SO TELL US!

Really they have to have a clue at this point. We are 30 days away, papers need to be drawn up so people can sign so they get their severance. But then again this has all been a mess!

it is unbelievable they have no compassion for anyone. How in the world can they think this is business as usual? Everyone's livelihood is in jeopardy, fucking idiots!

Hopefully there will be hot men with abs.

Oh wait
The worst thing about a July POA is all the 50 year old cleavage and age spots the ugly women will be showing.

And no, Botox doesn't help. Your neck tells the whole story. The whole hard, cold ugly truth. I would rather hump roadkill on the side of a desert highway than one of these ugly BI chicks

The worst thing about a July POA is all the 50 year old cleavage and age spots the ugly women will be showing.

And no, Botox doesn't help. Your neck tells the whole story. The whole hard, cold ugly truth.

I agree. Can they not see all the sun damage? About $1800 worth of laser and fraxel will clean and tight that right up.

But, maybe they are broke. We are all going to be unemployed soon. So what is the excuse for all the men with long nose hairs and ear hair? That is free to trim up boys! It's disgusting as hell