July package

BI cannot insist that you disclose new employment during the WARN. There is no case law that compels an employee to disclose this information. Thinking it's too complicated for BI to fly hundreds of private investigators around the country spying on us who might start working during the 60 day WARN.

listen, I am a fool. My last Pharma company I resigned a week before lay offs because I thought my partner might be able to keep her job (I had one lined up already). Guess what, they let her go anyway. so learn from me. dont be a fool

BI cannot insist that you disclose new employment during the WARN. There is no case law that compels an employee to disclose this information. Thinking it's too complicated for BI to fly hundreds of private investigators around the country spying on us who might start working during the 60 day WARN.

If you had experience in case law you would know that a contract spells out what they "insist" or "compell" you to do. A contract you willing sign that "insists" you show up on x day at y time or face a penalty is a valid contract if you both gave proper consideration and it's not against the public good. Contracts can insist you do a lot of things. Of course it's up to you whether you want to follow it by the letter.

If you had experience in case law you would know that a contract spells out what they "insist" or "compell" you to do. A contract you willing sign that "insists" you show up on x day at y time or face a penalty is a valid contract if you both gave proper consideration and it's not against the public good. Contracts can insist you do a lot of things. Of course it's up to you whether you want to follow it by the letter.

Can I offer you another glass of Koolaide?