July 1st

Worried about having my manager in the car - that’s not socially distancing ourselves. Nonetheless my best offices will only allow me in because of my strong relationships they won’t even consider another person

You haven't been paying attention. Your manager will follow in their car and not come in. You can tell them how good the call was after. Pretty stupid huh?

You haven't been paying attention. Your manager will follow in their car and not come in. You can tell them how good the call was after. Pretty stupid huh?

Nope. TBM here. During field rides, we are allowed to require reps to do FaceTime/video call/speaker phone during their HCP interactions, hence I can still observe how the call went even as I sit in the car outside. Better tighten up those loose ends stupid.

Nope. TBM here. During field rides, we are allowed to require reps to do FaceTime/video call/speaker phone during their HCP interactions, hence I can still observe how the call went even as I sit in the car outside. Better tighten up those loose ends stupid.

You do realize the reps would have to make the doctor aware that they are on Facetime/Video call, and you do realize the doctors are going to reject the premise entirely because they don't want to risk being recorded, and you do realize you are idiot for even suggesting this is a plausible scenario?

You do realize the reps would have to make the doctor aware that they are on Facetime/Video call, and you do realize the doctors are going to reject the premise entirely because they don't want to risk being recorded, and you do realize you are idiot for even suggesting this is a plausible scenario?
Quit being so negative. Think positively and great results will happen.