July package


I only wish We could get the package Now. We've got to stay here til July. This company is depressing but I'm going to tough it out. I should be sad but the suffering coming to a end. In the meantime the hunt continues.


I only wish We could get the package Now. We've got to stay here til July. This company is depressing but I'm going to tough it out. I should be sad but the suffering coming to a end. In the meantime the hunt continues.

What will you do if get job offer starting in March/April at equal or lower pay? What about if it's at a higher pay level? The contract companies are hiring.

Ride along now is just downright cruel. This one I don't understand. Heck I have an interview on the day I have one well I'll just tell her can't work today. Scew that.

Go find a new job, dont wait. Its easier to negotiate a higher salary for a new job when you have a job. Im on my way out and was able to get a nice bump in pay at a new company.

How much of a base increase are you getting?

10k. Definitely negotiate for that esp if you are currently in the 70s. There is no way for an interviewing company to verify your current salary unless they ask for a W2 or if you sign something that says that info can be released. All they will verify is dates of employment and job title. BI pays very low compared to other companies. Tenured reps in other companies are consistently are in the high 80s, low 90s. Bi really under pays. Get out there and interview and really go for it! Good luck to everyone.

10k. Definitely negotiate for that esp if you are currently in the 70s. There is no way for an interviewing company to verify your current salary unless they ask for a W2 or if you sign something that says that info can be released. All they will verify is dates of employment and job title. BI pays very low compared to other companies. Tenured reps in other companies are consistently are in the high 80s, low 90s. Bi really under pays. Get out there and interview and really go for it! Good luck to everyone.
Agreed , BI pays roughly 10-20k less than other companies. Also, goals at other companies are WAY more realistic, I need 60 asthma rx, in first 4 weeks! Takes till 3rd week of launch for rx to be seen! Crazy!

Agreed , BI pays roughly 10-20k less than other companies. Also, goals at other companies are WAY more realistic, I need 60 asthma rx, in first 4 weeks! Takes till 3rd week of launch for rx to be seen! Crazy!
But you have to love indexing! Launch goals are so attainable, everybody wins. Only 14 prescriptions for the quarter and you hit your goal. Wow, you exceeded your goal by 25%. That's nice, but we undershot goals to get everyone excited, company hit 160% so you're not getting paid bonus and you're partially meets. But congrats to those who hit 300% of their goal, but with our funky German math its more like 116%

I only wish We could get the package Now. We've got to stay here til July. This company is depressing but I'm going to tough it out. I should be sad but the suffering coming to a end. In the meantime the hunt continues.

Severance is 4 weeks for everyone and 2 weeks per year of tenure. Also heard everyone vested since more than 25% of employees being laid off this year.

Have you all seen the latest on the Transformation Hub about the severance package?!?
If you take a new job between July 1 - Aug 31 you will not receive the package! WTF

Have you all seen the latest on the Transformation Hub about the severance package?!?
If you take a new job between July 1 - Aug 31 you will not receive the package! WTF
It's not wtf it's industry standard since Bi has over 500 (I forget the exact trip number) it has to follow federal WARN Act that Ronald Regan put into law. Look it up. This means you get 2 months of warning with pay that at day after the 2 months you are severed with the company. Technically, you still an employee of BI durning those 2 months of July and August. So if you take a job during that 2 months period it's just you leaving to another company while you are still an employee of BI and gave technically NOT been severed and owed a severance from BI. If you take the settlement and take a job during that period you could be double dipping but my guy tells me they will pull your social security earnings at a later point to see if this is the case and claw back their severance. Of course that probably depends on the sizeable amount you received. Say if it's a few thousand I'm sure they'd say fucknut but if you are a 25 yr plus veteran and this is a sizable amount then he'll yes they will check your social security earnings which all employees have the right to do even after you are severed. Talk to a good employment lawyer before you undertake that risk imho. GL.

It's not wtf it's industry standard since Bi has over 500 (I forget the exact trip number) it has to follow federal WARN Act that Ronald Regan put into law. Look it up. This means you get 2 months of warning with pay that at day after the 2 months you are severed with the company. Technically, you still an employee of BI durning those 2 months of July and August. So if you take a job during that 2 months period it's just you leaving to another company while you are still an employee of BI and gave technically NOT been severed and owed a severance from BI. If you take the settlement and take a job during that period you could be double dipping but my guy tells me they will pull your social security earnings at a later point to see if this is the case and claw back their severance. Of course that probably depends on the sizeable amount you received. Say if it's a few thousand I'm sure they'd say fucknut but if you are a 25 yr plus veteran and this is a sizable amount then he'll yes they will check your social security earnings which all employees have the right to do even after you are severed. Talk to a good employment lawyer before you undertake that risk imho. GL.

So if I find a job August 1st, I am not allowed to have the money for July? Even if I went the month of July without a job or a paycheck?

So if I find a job August 1st, I am not allowed to have the money for July? Even if I went the month of July without a job or a paycheck?
Take your separation document and have an employment lawyer look at it if you are let go with a severance package and find a job during WARN. It'll cost you around $100. They will tell you exactly what you are able to do. Every company drafts these documents differently

So if I find a job August 1st, I am not allowed to have the money for July? Even if I went the month of July without a job or a paycheck?

You get paid for July and August by normal direct deposit. Severance will be mailed out in a package with statistics breakdown of who was let go by age, sex, etc. with a letter that says you will accept the severance and forswear any future rights to sue (which is moot anyway because we signed those away to arbitration years ago anyway and chances of you winning in a paid for arb court by an employer are slim to none)


How about for those that got laid off in 2009 and got rehired after; since we already received a severance in 2009, if we get displaced this July, would our severance pay be paid out from our original hire date or starting 2009?