Job losses today

Joe always thought that medical was a waste… since he came in… what Baxter sells has really become a commodity and he has no choices now but get rid of as much people as he can…
Believe me if you got a package that is the best thing that happened to you…

Joe always thought that medical was a waste… since he came in… what Baxter sells has really become a commodity and he has no choices now but get rid of as much people as he can…
Believe me if you got a package that is the best thing that happened to you…
This!! Its a dumpster fire. Its a dumpster fire everywhere. Crazy part is Joe thinks we are the problem.

Least # of jobs cut in Jan seems to be of HR dept, most cut were ISC and IT. HST as well, but what surprises me is there weren’t as many Director, Sr. Director, VP levels cut. Shows how skewed this company is when it comes to starting at the top not just the bottom.

Some of the folks who were canned were real good people with great work ethic and history, again - canned because they had to meet the numbers.

Of course part of being in a capitalistic company and “best shareholder” value approach makes sense, you have to cut folks but why are leaders who made the mistakes still here?

Surely there is still a lot of fat at the top especially in the support functions and I’m not sure what all those people will do as there is no capex available or new projects… it is purely to keep the shop running…
also i'm curious to see from feb onwards the expenses for both baxter and vantive being two separate financials entities… surely costs will go up across the board… i think the vantive spin will cripple baxter to make quick adjustments across the board delaying ever more an urgent and vital surviving process…

Least # of jobs cut in Jan seems to be of HR dept, most cut were ISC and IT. HST as well, but what surprises me is there weren’t as many Director, Sr. Director, VP levels cut. Shows how skewed this company is when it comes to starting at the top not just the bottom.

Some of the folks who were canned were real good people with great work ethic and history, again - canned because they had to meet the numbers.

Of course part of being in a capitalistic company and “best shareholder” value approach makes sense, you have to cut folks but why are leaders who made the mistakes still here

The recent changes in leadership within AS appear to be the result of a politically-driven decision-making process from SW rather than merit-based evaluations. Those in leadership roles who did not align with the preferences of SW were removed. This approach leads to a team that fits a specific mold rather than fostering diversity of thought and robust decision-making summarizing an issue across Baxter as a whole.

The recent changes in leadership within AS appear to be the result of a politically-driven decision-making process from SW rather than merit-based evaluations. Those in leadership roles who did not align with the preferences of SW were removed. This approach leads to a team that fits a specific mold rather than fostering diversity of thought and robust decision-making summarizing an issue across Baxter as a whole.
Diversity of thought are you joking, everyone repeats what their boss wants same with the DEi shit, why do i have to come to work and hear about LTBGI stuff ? iftekar should lodge a claim he was targeted because he is brown and SW is white , see how fast they back peddle .....the whole place is full of yes men women and pronouns .

Most easy high value employees typically get impacted because in end they are not white. Baxter HR and most corp functions typical uneducated biased imbeciles

I dunno about that - during my 15 years there I met a lot of morons, the dumbest of them were Indian, then European and then a bunch of US based white folks.

I dunno about that - during my 15 years there I met a lot of morons, the dumbest of them were Indian, then European and then a bunch of US based white folks.
lol you spent 15 years for a stupid company, congrats wasting your life there- sounds like you are one of the imbeciles who made bad life decisions

Diversity of thought are you joking, everyone repeats what their boss wants same with the DEi shit, why do i have to come to work and hear about LTBGI stuff ? iftekar should lodge a claim he was targeted because he is brown and SW is white , see how fast they back peddle .....the whole place is full of yes men women and pronouns .
Diversity of thought, different perspectives and Diversity Equity and Inclusion are two different focuses.

But in agreement that the whole place is full of yes men and women, which is why Baxter is done. Differing opinions are not allowed.

Diversity of thought, different perspectives and Diversity Equity and Inclusion are two different focuses.

But in agreement that the whole place is full of yes men and women, which is why Baxter is done. Differing opinions are not allowed.

doenst diversty in thought apply in DEI ? Why do i have to be subjected to seeing the LTGBI flag in my office ? what about my christian colleagues who get offended by this celebration of sexuality ? why cant baxter stay in its lane and focus on making profit and not pretending to be a good corporate citizen ? At the end of the day we sell shit loads of products to country's that don't agree with our values towards LTGBI but we continue to sell in Saudi and we don't say boo about their draconian views to homosexuality ?

Also pretend to love the planet , really ? Low Joe continues to fly private what a contradiction in values not to mention the cash it burns to satisfy his ego , is his time really that valuable ? i havent seen him create shareholder value for a very , very long time , if he was flying first on United for 12 hours to Europe and he wasnt contactable , look at the bright side he couldnt fuck anything else up !!

doenst diversty in thought apply in DEI ? Why do i have to be subjected to seeing the LTGBI flag in my office ? what about my christian colleagues who get offended by this celebration of sexuality ? why cant baxter stay in its lane and focus on making profit and not pretending to be a good corporate citizen ? At the end of the day we sell shit loads of products to country's that don't agree with our values towards LTGBI but we continue to sell in Saudi and we don't say boo about their draconian views to homosexuality ?

Also pretend to love the planet , really ? Low Joe continues to fly private what a contradiction in values not to mention the cash it burns to satisfy his ego , is his time really that valuable ? i havent seen him create shareholder value for a very , very long time , if he was flying first on United for 12 hours to Europe and he wasnt contactable , look at the bright side he couldnt fuck anything else up !!
We all know low joe is in complete contradiction between what he says and what he does… he is like dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde… because the band of idiots at the top of the company are unable to create any value out of anything… except their respective bank accounts - then they transformed the whole place in a woke academy… hiring and promoting useless and clueless monkeys at top management positions based on their races, skin color or sexual orientation… with the disastrous results we can see now… as per the company quote - save life worldwide of something like that… everybody knows it is all bullshit and the top management really gives a fuck about that and so many other values they promote…

The recent changes in leadership within AS appear to be the result of a politically-driven decision-making process from SW rather than merit-based evaluations. Those in leadership roles who did not align with the preferences of SW were removed. This approach leads to a team that fits a specific mold rather than fostering diversity of thought and robust decision-making summarizing an issue across Baxter as a whole.
I think you may be giving Steve more credit than he deserves. AS has taken a huge step backwards since he assumed the president's role. Not that Meg or Wil had it figured out but Steve made a bad situation worse, keeping people in their positions long past their expiration date. Was Derek ever qualified to lead the IDN team? There are enough posts about him to validate how that decision went. Two time Marketer of the Year Jenna? What exactly did she even do? CJ? The anti-sales guy? Many were Meg's favorites and carryovers that he should have ditched after his first year. Don't know if he got saddled with Iftekhar or actually chose him but that guy was physically non-existent and hated by those around him. Do we need to even mention our former VP of Sales? Steve owns all this.
So to think Steve is doing anything based on eliminating diversity would be overthinking the obvious. He's doing it to save his own ass