Job losses today

Can't believe there are hirings in pharma division to sell 50+ year old drugs. For this they laid off good people? Anybody thinking of joining this place...DONT & RUN FAR AWAY. THIS PLACE IS A DUMPSTER FIRE.

I had a dream today… low joe was the best ceo Baxter ever had… the shares were up 5000% and he had been able to find the right path to preventive medicine… he was actually able to provide healthcare to many people who could not afford it and he was really savings and sustaining lifes worldwide…
Then I woke up and figured out he made no changes whatsoever to anything beside the bunch of money to those activist funds…

i had a dream we purchased HillRom for $8 billion, we integrated the compnay smoothly, we kept top talent , we grew sales and margin every year since acquistin, the HR staff felt welcome and were treated with dignity respect and with fairness, we grew into a formidible healthcare compnay.

then i woke up saw the share price at $30 , listened to Jim Borzi at GLT ferraris without engines, got stuck with Joe telling me how smart he is and how dumb old Baxter is ...

fuck what a nighmare, common hurry up and sell Vantive, and lets get taken over please !!!!!

Can't believe there are hirings in pharma division to sell 50+ year old drugs. For this they laid off good people? Anybody thinking of joining this place...DONT & RUN FAR AWAY. THIS PLACE IS A DUMPSTER FIRE.
I heard Baxter has developed a new super fungus , applications in conflicts and war with China to fight their virus', rumours say this fungus was found and developed in a pair of Aloks sandals he likes to wear .......deady fungus on his toes ,

Least # of jobs cut in Jan seems to be of HR dept, most cut were ISC and IT. HST as well, but what surprises me is there weren’t as many Director, Sr. Director, VP levels cut. Shows how skewed this company is when it comes to starting at the top not just the bottom.

Some of the folks who were canned were real good people with great work ethic and history, again - canned because they had to meet the numbers.

Of course part of being in a capitalistic company and “best shareholder” value approach makes sense, you have to cut folks but why are leaders who made the mistakes still here?
This was just the first wave of people to be let go. Next wave may be directory level as true savings are removing layers of people who do not necessarily have tactical skill set to move teams in proper direction.
I think Amplify project carries the responsibility why some positions somehow appeared to be posted and got filled really quickly, but something we have not seen in the recent history. I do not think Baxter was on a hiring spree when it was spinning Baxalta years ago - but then people knew how the spin off is done. I miss old Baxter.

Joe can you tell us about the shareholder value growth during your tenure?