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Talk about age discrimination. I had a phone screen with the new young da vinci hiring manager.
I have great experience, sales numbers, background/experience.

I'm over 40 and not that old. I guess he thinks age discrimination is legal.

Some companies will hire reps who are 50 years old and older

Smart companies.
Mind giving some names of these companies? we can really use the tips. Tough out there for people who want to work but are discriminated because of their age. Hell - it starts at 45 or earlier with most of the blood sucking companies in the industry.We need examples of the smart ones----- please.

Looking for more feedback here. I have been diligently trying to research Full Circle Health and it is very evasive. I have been in contact with Mr. Girardello and he has even connected with me on LinkedIn. I actually have a webinar scheduled for this Thursday. These posts are making me very skeptical, and disheartened to say the least. Can anyone provide some factual info here? I feel like I need to follow through with this but any legit info one may have will be very appreciated. Thanks

Looking for more feedback here. I have been diligently trying to research Full Circle Health and it is very evasive. I have been in contact with Mr. Girardello and he has even connected with me on LinkedIn. I actually have a webinar scheduled for this Thursday. These posts are making me very skeptical, and disheartened to say the least. Can anyone provide some factual info here? I feel like I need to follow through with this but any legit info one may have will be very appreciated. Thanks
I mean i get it. You don't want to read all the numerous posts saying the truth. You want to believe the 2 posts that are written in favor of this Mr Guido-rollo ! lol.
I say you tell us the truth - attend the webinar, do the certification (pay the money) and get placed in a job.
I would be happy for you.
If you can't make a judgment but you gave time and money - please go ahead. Come back and tell us the full story including the company that hired you from this circle inc and everything that nobody knows about this opportunity

Well, most reviews are sour grapes and this is no different. I have gotten my certification and I attended the webinar. I have an interview scheduled face to face next week in Sarasota, FL. I figured worse case scenario, at least experience from the interview will be what I gain. I'm not defending anyone or any statement from previous posts, I simply came across this site during my research on Full Circle Health. Knowledge is power and I'm trying to gain as much info regardless of degree of negativity.

I listen to the webinar. I thought it was funny that the moderator did not give you his name. he spoke about the products very quickly and in general terms. Did not go into any detail about the products so you don't really know if these are viable products or not..No Q&A. Did not send a copy of the power point presentation. I am not sure if the webinar was taped or not.Talked about commissions. Training is done by webinars and I do not know who conducts them the vendor or Circle Health or if they are taped.In my opinion this type of training is a complete joke. Especially if you don't have someone conducting it so you can ask questions. My take away about this company is their business model is similar to Amway or Herbalife. You have a vendor, you have a middleman/recruiter, and you have a sales person. I am not certain but I believe Circle Health will also get paid if you sell one of the vendors products/ services. I believe you are a 1099, independent sales person. You receive nothing from the companies except access to training material. I believe you receive no reimbursement for traveling expenses and no healthcare or other benefits. You are in my opinion completely on your own. After the webinar I received an email stating if I had any questions or comments forward them along. I sent my questions and comments to them almost a week ago and I have not received any responses as of today. In my opinion the only person that should consider applying for this job is someone who wants desperately to become a Pharma or medical sales person.You can use this as a way to gain experience. Also, you should not pay for this ridiculous Pharma certification. I was in the business for almost twenty years and I do not know one person who has it. It is not needed. It doesn't prepare you to do the job. The job is about face to face interaction between you and a HCP. This cannot be done online. so this is my 2 cents or maybe a little more than 2 cents. One last thing if you apply get ready for a flood of emails. Receive at least 2 a day. One from this ridiculous certification site.

Well, most reviews are sour grapes and this is no different. I have gotten my certification and I attended the webinar. I have an interview scheduled face to face next week in Sarasota, FL. I figured worse case scenario, at least experience from the interview will be what I gain. I'm not defending anyone or any statement from previous posts, I simply came across this site during my research on Full Circle Health. Knowledge is power and I'm trying to gain as much info regardless of degree of negativity.

Are you interviewing for the job they discussed on the webinar. I believe they will hire anyone they interview. You are a straight commissioned sales person.You sell something you get paid ! if you don't sell something they give you nothing. I also believe full circle gets paid for your sale as well. All you receive from them is access to the training material. This is not a typical pharma/ medical sales job. If you don't get the job they talked about on the webinar I will be shocked. Look forward to hearing about the interview.

At this point in time there are so many reasons why not to be in Pharma they out weight the benefit by far. The above post is good and accurate. Along w/ the above comments a person needs to know a few more reasons why the job is not a satisfying career anymore, it's barely a job. Even if you decide to take the job within the first month of being in the field you will find out that access into MDs office is incredibly limited. However your company will require you to see X amount of MDs a day. It's nearly impossible to achieve the matrix that are being asked in 2018 w/o compromising your integrity and lying several times a day when entering calls. My guess in 2018 if a person makes 8 office stops a day they are probably only able to see 2-3 actual MDs a day. Which means a Rep would have to make 15-20 stops a day to see a Matrix of 7-8 Face to Face conversations a day. It's impossible to achieve w/o fudging calls daily. Not to mention there are usually only 100-125 Mds on any Reps required target list. Next, the iPad software Veeva call entry system is sku'd to benefit the Company NOT the Rep, it's at the heart of the problem. Most companies require only MD conversations are legitimate calls. The Company will require you to do a total office call however because of limited access and MDs that you will not be able to ever see the Company will not give you daily call credit for stopping at your targeted listed office, talking to appropriate RNs but never seeing the MD, that according to most Companies is NOT a legitimate recordable call. So, what happens is the Rep gets in the unfortunate habit of lying on the call. Who in their right mind would spent 20-40 minutes doing your job in an office (Waiting, talking to RN's, scheduling lunches) and not want credit for your time? The Companies know that this is going on and refuse to correct the system, instead they use the system against the Representative at a later time when it's time for downsizing, and firing the representative.

Next up if you take the job know that you probably got the job because you are perceived to be an "easy" target to "coach" w/ limited if any pushback from you. You did not get the job because you were the best fit for the company but the best fit chosen by the DM so that they can "coach" / "push you around" at their will. You will likely end up w/ a 30/early 40 something DM that really dosen't want to better the business but "coach" a team of 10 individuals. Most of these managers have less than 5 years of experience in the field, little if any life experiences and limited people experience. Most will use "High School" sports analogies to relate to their teams.

Finally in 2018 the Pharma business is not SALES at all. You do not sell anything day to day. The numbers lag 2-3 months which means you will not even know whats going on in the territory for months and about the only thing you are talking about to an MD is suggestions to try. Week after week, Month after month the same message, the same words. You are more of an mobile Advertisement / PRepresentive. A better representation of the job is Customer Service Representative. Since CSR falls under Marketing in a Company somehow the title is still called SALES, but the job is the furthest thing from SALES. In most cases even if you get to see an MD you will have 30 seconds to 1 minute to regurgitate a page or two from the same message you gave him last time. This happens month in and month out. Taking lunch to 20 hungry staff members will buy you usually and extra 5 minutes w/ the targeted MD but the story and message dosen't change and you will not know the outcome of you 5 minute conversation for months and even then the numbers are algorithms of office writing habits since not every pharmacy where the general public gets their drugs from even report their script data. It's all hypothetical.

Thank you SO much for posting this I have been looking for work. I applied to a similar job, but not this one. I thought it was legit at first...until I started digging. Nothing on Glassdoor; Nothing on Careerbliss; Nothing on Indeed...Nothing...Nothing...Nothing..Until I Googled the person's name who sent the message to me. This has saved me so much trouble. Thank you again. Here is the message I received:

Thank you for your interest and application through Indeed.com for the Pharmaceutical Sales Rep – Entry Level and Experienced opportunities with Full Circle Health. At Full Circle Health you will find opportunities to work in a dynamic, fast-paced sales environment. Everyday in the field as a Full Circle Health – Pharmaceutical Sales Representative will contain different challenges, financial opportunities and the ability to positively affect patient’s lives.

We are starting to schedule interviews next week for both entry level and experienced reps. For our entry level pharma sales rep candidates, we look for:

    • Must have some sales experience/abilities
    • Completion of pharmaceutical sales training
    • Maintain a valid driver's license
    • Proficient with Microsoft Office

1)When are you available to interview? 2) Where did you complete entry pharmaceutical sales training? 3) What are your salary requirements? 4) What is a good phone number to you reach you?

Thank you for your interest and you will need to reply back to move forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mr. L. Girardello - H.R Recruiter – Pharmaceutical Sales Division
Full Circle Health - circlehealthcarerep.com
MY LINKEDIN - www.linkedin.com/in/fullcirclehealth
866-734-3189 x 5
“Marketing Pharmaceutical Products and Healthcare Services to improve patient’s lives.”

Above poster is absolutely correct about Circle H whatnot.

I am about to apply again for Ely Lilly for 3 positions. I am about 40 y old and qualified for the open positions.
You know how they have all kinds of ageist questions. I will keep applying -will let you all know.
I will answer their dumb questions a little different this time.

This company also goes under the name Full Circle Health Care Rep and a J Trent advertises through Zip Recruiter. They are selling sales training programs and the hope you will increase your chance of a job in the industry.

Well.... I found this!

My suggestion would be to stay away from the CNPR. They have hundreds of fake jobs posted on Zip Recruiter and CareerBuilder under - CP Pharma, PRC Pharma, Health Plus, DMG-Health, Pharmville, Prism. Lynx and more. I bought this program based on several emails I received and then heard nothing from any company. All of these companies require "CNPR" but you cannot find any of them on the web. I started searching and found the links below. Then I noticed that NONE of these companies are advertising in Colorado. That's because this guy Brian Kennedy is running a scam and the Attorney General of Colorado nailed him. He was/is ordered to pay back all money received to anyone that purchased the CNPR or RMSR? program. They required $1 million from him just in Colorado to hold in trust to pay victims. I would suggest anyone that has purchased based on fake job postings or emails received to simply call and request your money!

Attorney General - Cynthia Coffman or Jay Simonson at: 720-508-6203

https://www.stopfraudcolorado.gov/s...04 11-27-46 1Complaint NAMSR FINAL Signed.pdf

https://www.stopfraudcolorado.gov/sites/default/files/cases/FINAL CONSENT JUDGMENT.pdf