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JH gets away with


That's he was hired as. He has not been promoted. Some companies call it a district manager some a regional manager. White males reps report to him. Never been promoted. Get a life.

Do you even work here? Can you read? An email went out today announcing the promotions. JH was one of five. You sound super jealous and bitter.

“My daddy, JH, got promoted. Be happy for him!”
- Kiss ass above

So I was correct. He was promoted.

The larger question is how come you let JH rent out so much space in your head for free? Obsessed much? Jealous? Maybe just angry that your impotent anonymous attacks here have had no impact on him?

Interesting to see Jamie’s name in the spotlight again. I’m here trolling around after working with him at Sepracor. Here is some advice for the people he starts to attack at ITC……..don’t let this guy get to you. He will yell, make derogatory statements, falsify documents, make slanderous comments about his reps to other managers and corporate. He’s mentally distorted. We saw HR and upper management protect him at Sepracor. He will lie to cover himself all day long. Being tormented by this worm does not define your career. He is sad sad little coward.

Interesting to see Jamie’s name in the spotlight again. I’m here trolling around after working with him at Sepracor. Here is some advice for the people he starts to attack at ITC……..don’t let this guy get to you. He will yell, make derogatory statements, falsify documents, make slanderous comments about his reps to other managers and corporate. He’s mentally distorted. We saw HR and upper management protect him at Sepracor. He will lie to cover himself all day long. Being tormented by this worm does not define your career. He is sad sad little coward.

Much of what you describe here is still going on. Jamie is a total sham manager.

I haven’t been on this site in about 10 plus years, and it’s amusing me to read how anonymous people (reps JH has fired for good cause) whine and post complete lies about JH, and other people he has working for him. You all obviously are so bitter you couldn’t cut it hitting your numbers while working for him, or actually didn’t go to work like you should have. Now you lower yourself to whining, name calling, and slandering JH and others names on this website. It’s truly sad, and I feel sorry for you because you’re hiding behind an anonymous post but I am pretty sure we all know who you are….please get a life, quit kidding yourself that it wasn’t your fault for getting fired and move on with your life. The only thing he’s getting away with is managing high performing individuals at ITCI. That’s why he was promoted.

I haven’t been on this site in about 10 plus years, and it’s amusing me to read how anonymous people (reps JH has fired for good cause) whine and post complete lies about JH, and other people he has working for him. You all obviously are so bitter you couldn’t cut it hitting your numbers while working for him, or actually didn’t go to work like you should have. Now you lower yourself to whining, name calling, and slandering JH and others names on this website. It’s truly sad, and I feel sorry for you because you’re hiding behind an anonymous post but I am pretty sure we all know who you are….please get a life, quit kidding yourself that it wasn’t your fault for getting fired and move on with your life. The only thing he’s getting away with is managing high performing individuals at ITCI. That’s why he was promoted.
I had jamie as my manager for a short time. This reads like something he wrote. Not a a single person who was managed by this dishonest troll would defend him.

I had jamie as my manager for a short time. This reads like something he wrote. Not a a single person who was managed by this dishonest troll would defend him.

STFU. I worked for him too. Good guy. Do your job and work an honest day and he is your best friend. JH takes great pride in finding the lazy pretender reps and moving them along. I guess he caught you and sent you on your way.