Jennifer Koch...class act

Information is being distributed regarding a scholarship/memorial fund for Jennifer's girls. AZ established a fund and contributions can be made to "Koch Scholarship Fund" at:

Koch Scholarship Fund
Wachovia Bank
P.O. Box 26090
Richmond, VA 23260

May Jennifer rest in peace! May her husband and girls find comfort and peace from family and friends. May my PSS friends on her team also find peace and comfort during this difficult time.

Thank you AZ for all you have done for us!

Jennifer Koch, District Sales Manager Killed in Fatal Car Accident

It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of a long-standing and highly regarded Respiratory District Sales Manager, Jennifer Ballard Koch, 47, of Haymarket, Virginia following an automobile accident on Tuesday, January 29th.

Jennifer was an AstraZeneca employee for 25 years. “I was fortunate to have known her for many of those years,” said Linda Palczuk, Vice President of Sales. “We’re all feeling a tremendous sense of loss, and our thoughts and prayers are with her husband, Henry, and two daughters, Madeline and Jane.”

The funeral service for Jennifer will take place this Saturday, February 2nd at 2 pm at the Grace Episcopal Church in The Plains, Virginia. Directions can be found on the church’s website:

In addition, the family is planning a memorial service for Jennifer in her hometown of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania at a later date. Those details will be shared when they are available.

In lieu of flowers, those AstraZeneca employees wishing to remember Jennifer can make a donation to the Koch Scholarship Fund, which has been set up for her children:

Koch Scholarship Fund
Custodian: Henry Koch
Beneficiaries: Madeline Koch & Jane Koch
Account #: 101-014-976-0915
Institution: Wachovia Bank
PO Box 26090
Richmond, VA 23260

It is with great sadness that we heard yesterday of Jennifer's untimely death.
She was a beautiful young woman and we have fond memories of her days with us at Moravian Academy. We send out love and sympathy to Henry and the two girls. We will be praying for them and will hope to see them at the memorial service in Bethlehem for all her many friends here who will miss her.
Love The Devey's

I was at the funeral, and it was packed. Standing room only. Tony Zook was there, and about 40-50 AZ friends. I am going to miss her, as she was just about a perfect rep and DSM. I sent my check in today for her fund for the kids education.

Life's Lesson: Life is short, TIME is what we have now, but not guarnteed into the future. Tell the people you love that you love them NOW, as time may not be on your side!!

As someone who knew Jen when she was a brand new primary care rep fresh out of college, and as a 30 yr veteran from back in the Stuart Pharm/Zeneca days, I am so deeply saddened at this news that I just picked up on the AZ Newflash. Jen was as good and pure as it gets...genuine, sensitive, caring, all the wonderful qualities that drew people to her. We had lost touch over the years...she in Va. and me in NJ, but I know that if we were to speak, it would be warm and like we had never missed a beat. That was Jennifer. Her family has been cheated tremendouly...I feel blessed to have known her.

I didn't know Jennifer personally, but as a fellow AZ employee with two children of my own, my heart just breaks for them. I'm so saddened by this loss for the family. As another poster said, we only have today not hate.... and be careful!

She was one of us, no better no worse.

She cared about her job, she worked hard, she loved her family.

All I hope is that you all take care out there. There are so many ways for the wrong things to happen. Give yourself the best chance.

Good luck, and God Bless Jennifer's family.

It is really wonderful to read what so many of you have written here. I can vouch for everything that has been said as I have known her for longer than all of you. She was a beacon of light to her family and many friends. She possessed the innate ability to put people at ease and show that she was interested in them. Her husband, her girls and her family were so key to all she accomplished. Her pride in AZ was a passion. I had to hear of every new product, territory and opportunity as well as comment on her presentations!. It made me pay special attention to AZ reps in our office for sure.
The memorial service will be in Bethlehem tomorrow for her family in Lehigh Valley. You may be sure we are still very sad and very numb. This is not the order in which life is meant to flow and I am grieving beyond anything I could have imagined. Thanks to all of you for your love and support.
With sincere apprciation,
Jennifer's Dad- Ian Ballard, MD

Dr. Ballard,
I am a very senior rep with the company and have kids (grown) of my own. I don't know what to say. How do you tell a grieving parent it will be alright? I cannot possibly imagine the absolute misery you are going through and hope I never, never have to experience it. We all know that children should bury their parents. Sometimes, God has other plans.

I didn't know your daughter, which is my loss. Tonight I will say a prayer for her and you and the family. That's all I know to do.

God Bless

Dr. Ballard,

Thank you for your words. I was at the funeral last week. I saw all the greif stricken people there. I was in her district when I joined AZ in 1999. She was real good person to me and helped me out at meetings and how to do the best I can. I have driven a company car for over 30 years now and I can tell you I have had some wrecks, (not my fault) to many close calls. I will not use my cell phone now while driving, and I when I see a car or truck driving wreckless I will pull over and call 911, so Hopefully I can keep this from happening to another family like yours and mine. I did send my check this week for the education fund. Those girls will be do very well in life!!

I will never forget Jennifer.

To Jennifer's Family,

You raised an amazing human being, and she built an incredible life. I was honored to work with her, will miss her greatly, and wish that everyone could interact with someone like her just once in a lifetime. She made great sacrifice, but wanted no credit. She was kind, dedicated, honest, and real. Her girls will someday marvel at what she was....and that will carry on thru Henry, and then carry on thru them! Henry won't be able to replace her in their lives, but he will be a better Dad because of her. She is watching and will be honored at how he is able to carry on and what those girls will become....I'm sure of that!

Her memories are yours forever.....not everyone had that!


I am Flavia. I am from Brazil. I spent 1 year at her house as an AU PAIR. I used to take care of Jane and Madeline. Jennifer and Henry taught me English and made me feel part of the family.
God knows how special she was to me... She was the best host mommy and also she was an amazing mommy to Jane and Madeline.
I love her girls!!! The Koch family took a huge place in my heart.
I miss Jennifer a lot...
I love the Koch Family so much!

I am a former AZ employee and happened to see this. Though I did not know Jennifer personally, I am teary eyed, shocked and give special prayers and condolences to her family and friends. This has reminded me that every day is a gift and very precious.

Jennifer's friends in Northern New Jersey recently received the tragic news. I met Jennifer through the Junior League of Morristown in the early 90's and we immediately became friends. She was outgoing and easy to know. Jennifer served in various leadership positions in the League and was always the first to volunteer for a project. She was enthusiastic, beautiful and always wore a bright, warm smile.

I know Jennifer's friends from Chatham and the Morristown area join me in sending love and sympathy to her entire family. We will never forget Jennifer and the happiness she brought to all who knew her.

I have dealt with Jennifer for years. I am very saddened to hear of her untimely death. She was such a sincere, loving , pure person. My thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time.

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