January territory realignments

The right thing? The right thing would be to work to grow the company again. I love these home office types that offer no real value but need to the growth and resilience and productivity of the sales force to keep their jobs. The more responsible posts on this site have been stating that the company was going in this downward spiral for years . Please don't give us a bunch of BS that now the company is trying to do the right thing. The reactionary management and lack of vision has been going on for the past 4 years now. Grow the company anticipate change and get ahead of the market. That is doing the right thing. No one in leadership both in the US and or in Europe has the vision or the skill set to do that. That is why you need to count on continuing layoffs and or " rightsizing" "realignment every two years or so going forward until Nestle finally rolls OTC into their empire and sells off the rest. That is the direction this is all going and you heard it here first.

Most accurate post so far. They need to downsize the managers and the many layers of managers. These managers including DMs offer no value at all to reps yet the reps take the heat for everything and are laid off every 2 yes or so. What exactly does my DM do to increase sales in my territory??? Nothing, Nothing at all.

My guess is they have until the payback to Nestle comes in and then changes will happen. That includes dumping everything they can. Even the direct aesthetic sales team can't sell that stuff. The company hasn't figured out to create an innovative sales and marketing plan to compete against Allergan's suite of facial products. Todd Z and the whole crew of useless sales management is a joke. Thats why they will never succeed. You have to place the right people in the right positions and they haven't figured out how to do that. The sales and marketing programs are a joke and thats surprising given the Nestle backing.

True they have Nestle's backing. However, please remember that Nestle is a consumer goods company. The specialty medical and aesthetic space is a very different business model. So Nestle for now is backing the US Management team, but as several posts have correctly pointed out the team they now have in place is not the team to re grow this business. Just wait until the January meeting and you will see a bunch of feel good speeches without any real solutions and or real substance. The cherry on top will be Brian F. All the posts about his marginal accomplishments and the fact he ran around Europe for several years with old power points from the US Marketing team will come out and everyone will see how he does not have any answers either. But it will be a hell of feel good speech. get smart now and work to get out before they "right size you" and do the " right thing for the company" Your move in 2016

The truth is Galderma USA had a great year and they did not share it with us yet and made us feel like crap all year.
A & C made a fortune, Cetaphil grew big time, and RX did good with a few set backs...

They still look good because of a dedicated sales force.

Young managers here who tell the salesforce that contest money (we should be receiving based on hard work) is a gift? Meanwhile we bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars and they are "gifting us". Quotas were out of this world this quarter. They find a way to always have an underlying rule that will limit you from making money. If they ever just ran a straightforward contest it would be a miracle. Vote Bernie Sanders, he is right about the top 1%. They sure are not sharing the wealth here.

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 5581247"]The truth is Galderma USA had a great year and they did not share it with us yet and made us feel like crap all year.
A & C made a fortune, Cetaphil grew big time, and RX did good with a few set backs...

They still look good because of a dedicated sales force.[/QUOTE]

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