January territory realignments

yes that is true about 15% of the sales force. Again right before Christmas. Same two years ago no loyalty here and really poor leadership on both the sales and marketing team. Rudderless ship. Merry Christmas everyone.

More layoffs to come in 2016 we still have too many reps and managers on the RX teams. Time to get rid of more or the Regional Managers at least DL is gone - complete waste of space and had been riding others coattails of people before him the whole time he was here.

we needed change
We got it

Give them a chance

If it's so bad for you go to Novartis or come up with a suggestion or solution
and present it .

This is not upper management post, I'm a rep whose been here for the ups
and downs. It's sales , it's a company. Get with the program or get out.

You need to get your facts straight 8% of the sales force was impacted. We retained about 50% of those displaced in other roles. We are doing everything we can to retain those reps who want to be here.

We expanded in other areas. But folks are not able to relocate. The information is not always accurate. The company is trying to do right thing.

You need to get your facts straight 8% of the sales force was impacted. We retained about 50% of those displaced in other roles. We are doing everything we can to retain those reps who want to be here.

We expanded in other areas. But folks are not able to relocate. The information is not always accurate. The company is trying to do right thing.

The right thing? The right thing would be to work to grow the company again. I love these home office types that offer no real value but need to the growth and resilience and productivity of the sales force to keep their jobs. The more responsible posts on this site have been stating that the company was going in this downward spiral for years . Please don't give us a bunch of BS that now the company is trying to do the right thing. The reactionary management and lack of vision has been going on for the past 4 years now. Grow the company anticipate change and get ahead of the market. That is doing the right thing. No one in leadership both in the US and or in Europe has the vision or the skill set to do that. That is why you need to count on continuing layoffs and or " rightsizing" "realignment every two years or so going forward until Nestle finally rolls OTC into their empire and sells off the rest. That is the direction this is all going and you heard it here first.

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