Maybe you cant read. I'm happy collecting a paycheck from zoll working five hours a week. I have a full-time job that supports me and pays the bills. Zoll did not give a shit about me so I don't feel the least bit bad accepting their checks. And how long do you have to work for Jamie before you know him? I don't care if he rescues dogs or serves hot dogs at the church social. What I care about is that he was a complete failure while at Zoll. The morale is horrible, quota system unattainable, and turnover out of control. If you want to go bowling with him ,or have pose downs at in the gym In the mirror ,by all means knock yourself out.

You are correct. Jamie was a complete failure at Zoll and let the sales team down. He talks a good game but lacks the balls to stand up and make it happen. He's just a silky pony that looks good and accomplishes nothing. Good riddance.

You are correct. Jamie was a complete failure at Zoll and let the sales team down. He talks a good game but lacks the balls to stand up and make it happen. He's just a silky pony that looks good and accomplishes nothing. Good riddance.

Completely agree. Now let's get rid of Linder and Whiting and things would definitely turn around for the better here.

Mike D

What a Dbag. Let me put it out there that I do not nor have I ever worked for zoll. That being said I met Mike at an interview recently. What a pompous ass. It was one of the worst interviews I have experienced in my career. I would never work for this company EVER. Unprofessional.