You spend your career working hard and taking care of people and they stab you in the back. No more mister nice guy compadres.

Let me correct you statement above
You spend your career looking for a job where you can hide and have little to do and taking care of yourself, and people expose you! Maybe I should have been less arrogant and support my people.

You spend your career working hard and taking care of people and they stab you in the back. No more mister nice guy compadres.

all about "you" isn't it. Leadership/collaboration please revisit what this actually means and entails. If you only did listen and act instead of giving the false platitudes, the end may have been the same but you would have been respected more.

You spend your career working hard and taking care of people and they stab you in the back. No more mister nice guy compadres.

Some nerve! You take a territory from nothing to over a million dollars with policies that work against you, clueless Regional management, a horrible quota and comp plan and your put on a plan after a year or so. NOW YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE!!!! You want respect? You want people to walk through fire for you? You want loyalty? You should have addressed the issues that make turnover what it is! Nobody works as a team in this company. It's every man for himself, stay here for a year and get out with your sanity and whatever dignity you have left!! let me be the fiest to toast Jamie and Digigillo. FU!

Let me correct you statement above
You spend your career looking for a job where you can hide and have little to do and taking care of yourself, and people expose you! Maybe I should have been less arrogant and support my people.

I make sacrifices everyday for my people. All they do is whine and complain and embarrass me with their lack of output and goal achievement Shape up you poor bastards or go back to selling chemicals and pharma!!! This job is for big boys!!!!

I make sacrifices everyday for my people. All they do is whine and complain and embarrass me with their lack of output and goal achievement Shape up you poor bastards or go back to selling chemicals and pharma!!! This job is for big boys!!!!

"Hatred and bitterness is slavery's inevitable aftermath." JOSÉ MARTÍ

I make sacrifices everyday for my people. All they do is whine and complain and embarrass me with their lack of output and goal achievement Shape up you poor bastards or go back to selling chemicals and pharma!!! This job is for big boys!!!!

This job is for big boys? Really? You mean the wearable piece of equipment ( not device ) thats not even in guidelines is a big boy position? Lmao! Zoll lifevest is such a bunch of wannabe losers. get a real job with credibility, like St. Jude Medical or Medtronic and be part of a real cardiac rhythm device company, then you can call yourself a big boy. Till then, you're all a bunch of first-graders trying to be graduate students.

"Hatred and bitterness is slavery's inevitable aftermath." JOSÉ MARTÍ

He who approves a quota system that supports a sales representative for a year and a half and designs a tech and account manager position that works against sales will inevitably have high corporate turnover and eventually lose his position. FORMER SALES REPRESENTATIVES

STJ and MDT are criers. Always have been. They don't have to sell, just show up because their customers have bought from them for so long and data, presence and anything else make no difference. What a cake job!!!!
I assume you interviewed with these 2 companies and was rejected ending up at Zoll. Otherwise why bash their sales orgs?

STJ and MDT are criers. Always have been. They don't have to sell, just show up because their customers have bought from them for so long and data, presence and anything else make no difference. What a cake job!!!!

Anybody that bashes St. Jude Medical or medTronic especially in CRM divisions, is obviously somebody who wishes they could get a job at either of the organizations and couldn't and was rejected and has to badmouth them now. You're really going to compare a company like St Jude Medical or medtronic to ZOLL lifevest ? Wow, you really are a true loser. This place is such a joke with such a bunch of losers, as proven to me at this weeks meeting being around the idiot festival. . The only reason im here is because I work five hours and can make six digits. But it's all going to come to an end soon. If I could get a job at St Jude Medical or Medtronic I would, but I won't be able to because this shit stain on my resume of zoll.

This job is for big boys? Really? You mean the wearable piece of equipment ( not device ) thats not even in guidelines is a big boy position? Lmao! Zoll lifevest is such a bunch of wannabe losers. get a real job with credibility, like St. Jude Medical or Medtronic and be part of a real cardiac rhythm device company, then you can call yourself a big boy. Till then, you're all a bunch of first-graders trying to be graduate students.

Thanks Greg V for your thoughts. Now that you've been fired from the loser position you mentioned do you really think the big boys would ever want you?

I make sacrifices everyday for my people. All they do is whine and complain and embarrass me with their lack of output and goal achievement Shape up you poor bastards or go back to selling chemicals and pharma!!! This job is for big boys!!!!

This is the Damn Truth. I'm tired of carrying my reps while they brag about working 5 hour days. Without me, this company would go under, that I can guarantee!!

Got word Greg V was fired. Clearly these posts are from you Greg now that you have more time on your hands.

There are thousands of posts on how mismanaged Zoll is, going back 5+ years. I don't know who Greg V is, but trying to pin it on one person who is not in an executive position is finding a scapegoat and trying to ride it as much as out of proportion as Lifevest's benefit for SCA.

In getting back to the original post about Jamie Prince , jamie is a good guy and a good leader, he just got himself into a position where he could not make any changes because Marshel had him sitting there just to have a position filled as a VP for an organizational chart to show to our new owners in Asia and stockholders. Jamie wanted to make changes and new changes need to be made, but he really had no ability and was givin no power to do so. Jamie quit because he's was in upper leadership and he recognized and realized that there is no long-term future with this device or this company. When the VP of sales quits, that's not a good sign. But of course at the ASM, everything is hyped up like there's all the special stuff coming. It's really getting ridiculous at this point.

In getting back to the original post about Jamie Prince , jamie is a good guy and a good leader, he just got himself into a position where he could not make any changes because Marshel had him sitting there just to have a position filled as a VP for an organizational chart to show to our new owners in Asia and stockholders. Jamie wanted to make changes and new changes need to be made, but he really had no ability and was givin no power to do so. Jamie quit because he's was in upper leadership and he recognized and realized that there is no long-term future with this device or this company. When the VP of sales quits, that's not a good sign. But of course at the ASM, everything is hyped up like there's all the special stuff coming. It's really getting ridiculous at this point.

Many of us have different opinions on Jamie. I agree with you that Jamie didn't have much power to make any changes. However, he just sat by and watched while so many people were managed out or pushed out of this company for poor performance when he knew or should have known that it was the compensation model that was bad. How could he live with himself when geography splits took place and the quota dollars that shifted were not in line with the dollar volume being generated with the geography gained or lost? How could he just sit by and watch when an employee does well one year and then jacks up their base knowing that they have the incremental 2 week increase on top of the jacked up quota going forward? He sat by and watched good people be let go or fired for "poor Performance" when the real issue is the company. Jamie might have been a great guy to throw back a beer with but he did not do well by the sales force.