James Straza

Some day they will realize what an incredible disaster he has been and what he did to the morality of people that came and left this company. It disgusts me that he is still here and his followers disgust me even more. How HR and the board is blinded by him is absurd to me. I cannot wait to get out and can't believe the number of people who he alone has driven out of the company or completely wrecked the self esteem of those of us who are still here. He is the most unmotivated so called leader I have ever experienced and seen in action and I have been in the industry for a very long time. Those of you who defend him have not seen excellent leadership- someone who can lead with example, positivity and can manage at any level and ang situation. Atherotech keeping him here does not give me faith that they know what they are doing so I'm getting out. Makes me sick

I was finally able to get out of atherotech. Now that I'm gone I have to say that James Straza and people with his mentality have ruined what could have been great people and teamwork here. Never in my life have I seen a company who allows regional vps to have had so little leadership training or leadership development be in charge of people. It saddens me to think how many people our top leaders destroyed morale and people's individually. Once the rest of you get out you will see that true leaders know how to lead and treat people not just processes.
Good bye

Look at this clown. He needs to shower, shave, and wear some clothes that don't look like they were pulled from the dirty hamper. He looks dirty and talks like a girl. Yes, he is a flake.

Look at this clown. He needs to shower, shave, and wear some clothes that don't look like they were pulled from the dirty hamper. He looks dirty and talks like a girl. Yes, he is a flake.

I miss his 3 paragraph rants he would email me after every field visit, things that were easily able to be discussed face to face but because of his enormous lack of self esteem and avoidance of any type of conflict it would never be addressed one on one. Many talented people left because of his unwillingness to do anything other than his exact way of doing things. Thank god they moved him away from any direct reports.

I believe he is where he needs to be, mediating between two over paid twits that are in no way experienced enough to make decisions other than what shoes to put on to match that ugly dress.