James Straza

James is still here bc he has his strengths. It's NOT PEOPLE SKILLS OR ABILITY TO BOND WITH OR MANAGE BUT.... He is smart clinically and an effective teacher when not judgemental.... He has his good side but... He is insecure and not aware that he would be exponentially more effective in any role if he had confidence thus didn't mis-manage so ineffectivley where he has become a large part of the turnover problem. If those in charge can see where his brilliance is best utilized than it will be a win win for the company. This is not James writing, I am a person who worked for him at a point in his and my career and fortunate to see the good and brilliant side he is insecure of. Bottom line... I feel for everyone who has been hurt, left, frustrated with the job as a result of working for or with him. I get it..... So..... If the board is listeneing.... Share this feedback with him and find a place that matches his strengths. Oh.... Only give him the benefit of the doubt if he is humbled and willing to see the error of his ways.

What a wack job. The board let go of all the wrong people. Clint should have been the first to go. He is a self centered pompous girl. And his shadow Andrew next. All management needs to be wiped out and they need to start off new. Anyone considering this company is insane. It's so unhealthy. Run.

No idea how he is still holding a managent position here or anywhere else.

I couldn't agree more. As an RSD with this company, I feel badly for those having to report into him. I wish that the company would continue to clean things up, but only time will tell. I am just thankful that I don't have to report to him.

Unless you are doing exactly as he does or as he says, it's a nightmare in the central region for all of us. How in the hell did he not get tossed out with Scott and Rod is what I like to know. I've never met someone so arrogant and insecure in my entire life. I cant wait to get out

Notice how NO one comes to James defense? Why is that?
He doesn't really have any true friends and colleagues that admire him, they are either afraid of him or tolerate him and his self righteous bs. This company would be so much better off without his lack of so called leadership

I don't agree with you. From a rep's perspective, I've never had someone at his level be willing to stop what he's doing just to help out a rep. He has made himself available to me and my physicians if needed and I've landed some big accounts because of his help. There's no way I could have been as successful here without his help which he has been willing to offer at any time. I'm tired of petty bashing without substance that everyone is doing. I hope others who read these posts know that not everyone is disgruntled. Go back to where you came (if they'll take you) and work for a company that doesn't have people at James' level who lead by example.

I don't agree with you. From a rep's perspective, I've never had someone at his level be willing to stop what he's doing just to help out a rep. He has made himself available to me and my physicians if needed and I've landed some big accounts because of his help. There's no way I could have been as successful here without his help which he has been willing to offer at any time. I'm tired of petty bashing without substance that everyone is doing. I hope others who read these posts know that not everyone is disgruntled. Go back to where you came (if they'll take you) and work for a company that doesn't have people at James' level who lead by example.

Good for you. You are one of the rare ones that feel that way. If you don't think like him, admire him, you are screwed. He is narrow minded, hates to be challenged and only knows how to manage one way. Intimidation and fear. He might be very accessible and smart but he is not approachable, open minded, innovative, level headed or anything that resembles a leader

Good for you. You are one of the rare ones that feel that way. If you don't think like him, admire him, you are screwed. He is narrow minded, hates to be challenged and only knows how to manage one way. Intimidation and fear. He might be very accessible and smart but he is not approachable, open minded, innovative, level headed or anything that resembles a leader

I agree. Being accessible and helpful in the field and closing deals does not make a leader.
Even when he had been in the car with me he never truly pays attention as he is on the phone or email the entire time. He has no respect for anyone who has an idea that is different than his and has no idea how to handle adversity, conflict and from what I have seen has no idea how to develop or lead his people. If you are successful and work for him it's only because you are truly talented on your own. He is a terrible example of leadership bottom line. If you poled most of the tsms who work for him they would say the same. Good for you for being successful and he has helped you. It's rare in his region. He's barely ready for an RD role let alone RVP