Jackie Nielson Video


If what she said will happen tomorrow and Monday doesn't happen, that's further proof you can't believe a word they say.

If CTLs aren't reduced, I'll believe this company is being run by the same over-spending idiots that are running the country (into the ground).

Overlays with solitary products?
Mini specialists needing more training?
It's true about the diabetes products...Those critters are creepin' around every office....docs see them, they are out there speading untruths about the other guys....us! Agree we need more rev up on the computer's classroom app..

Is this the correct spelling of "FOSSIL"----5 separate sales groups goes back to the Pleistocene Age of selling--a little fear and trepidation at the top--very interesting to note that even though the"street" seems to be in love with Merck, there are no executives buying the stock and as a matter of fact Schacter and his ilk have been unloading options throughout November--it will be interesting in light of proposed budget cuts for 2013 to have an RFM and share it with your 4 other counterparts as well as the provider and staff-I for one can't wait for this scenario to unfold

When will they ever learn? You may say one product per rep all you want. The doctor will tell you he has 5 Merck reps calling on him. We really are living in this fantasy land, telling the doctor, "I am your only product X rep and we don't co-promote anything...we are unique...".

Is this the correct spelling of "FOSSIL"----5 separate sales groups goes back to the Pleistocene Age of selling--a little fear and trepidation at the top--very interesting to note that even though the"street" seems to be in love with Merck, there are no executives buying the stock and as a matter of fact Schacter and his ilk have been unloading options throughout November--it will be interesting in light of proposed budget cuts for 2013 to have an RFM and share it with your 4 other counterparts as well as the provider and staff-I for one can't wait for this scenario to unfold

...and share the RFM w the other rep's mgr too if you have 2-5 mgrs per doc. Goodbye access!

These shitheads are being paid major bank to come up with this plan? Unbelievable!!! I now realize that everything you read on CP about this company being here solely for the benefit of those in "management" is so completely true. How else could you justify keeping so many reps for so few products? Launch readiness you say? Like being ready for Cordaptive. Get something decent through FDA, then lets talk about adding bodies in offices. Until then, cut 50-60% of CTLs/DCOs and 30-40% of reps. Hard to accept, but we all know it is the right thing to do.

Note to management: The share-of-voice arms race ended 5 years ago. Keep this shit up and we will go the way of the USSR.

This is why I love Merck so much. Don't believe a word you're told for it will change. And yes, what goes around does come around at Merck. Poor NCM. I guess what we were told wasn't accurate. Can we blame our customers beliefs?

...and share the RFM w the other rep's mgr too if you have 2-5 mgrs per doc. Goodbye access!

Back to running into another manager with his rep during your field visit at the same office because this is an "easy" office to showcase your access skills and relationship. Or the other rep bringing his manager to join your lunch when your own is right there with you.

These shitheads are being paid major bank to come up with this plan? Unbelievable!!! I now realize that everything you read on CP about this company being here solely for the benefit of those in "management" is so completely true. How else could you justify keeping so many reps for so few products? Launch readiness you say? Like being ready for Cordaptive. Get something decent through FDA, then lets talk about adding bodies in offices. Until then, cut 50-60% of CTLs/DCOs and 30-40% of reps. Hard to accept, but we all know it is the right thing to do.

Note to management: The share-of-voice arms race ended 5 years ago. Keep this shit up and we will go the way of the USSR.

BMS is famous in massive layoffs during a down cycle and rehiring when they have new products. That approach has not hurt them a bit over the years.

There truly is nothing new under the sun. You either align your selling effort around a customer or you align it around a product. Merck cycles between the two every time there is a major turnover in divisional leadership. It is the Merck leadership illusion of managing change. It is as predictable as night follows day and summer turns to fall. Whatever. Prepare yourselves for the inevitable cluster coordination meetings and the disconnects and miscommunications between cluster mates and their managers. It is the customers that suffers with this clinical disorder masked as managment.

BMS is famous in massive layoffs during a down cycle and rehiring when they have new products. That approach has not hurt them a bit over the years.

The problem is this is not a down cycle. Generics are here to stay (currently 80% of every new Rx) and with so many idiots voting for Obummer, branded drugs will be covered even less. Existing reps can be deployed to sell what few new products Mother will have.

You comment shows that either you aren't a rep or you're one with your head in the sand. Ever notice how your docs don't really pay attention to anything you say beyond the basic exchange of pleasantries?

No more new commercial model. Back to the way things were 15 years ago. One big cluster and some specialty reps. Why can't we learn from the past?
Are you joking NCM was just a joke that the marketeers played on the stockholders trying to show they knew what was going on! The father of NCM got cast down with the sodomites in washington D.C. or was it A.C.. Now we'll do something different for a little while, change the shit anyway you want it all that matters is customer relationships, can't do that with managed care everyone that knew something or someone took a package and left! Now we're stuck with MBA idiots from Wharton who think samples are now needed and lunches are a thing of the past! We didn't learn from the past before and we're not going to learn from the past now..NCM was the disaster and the friggin S3's are mostly duds who can say 'yes' with a straight face! Bingo !

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