I've decided to leave

I love it when a manager leaves the company and upper management allows a disliked OSM from another district to take over. Way to "build the bench" and allow OSRs to gain experience. There's going to come a day when many managers will leave and RL and TP will have no one ready to fill the openings from within. More will be hired from outside and the OSR job will be even more demotivating. Great leadership from upper management.

Agreed. Take a look at the good companies you may have worked for in the past. Most of them probably developed their people to fill management roles. Not here. We let our people drown in poor company decisions with little to no hope of upward movement.

Here's a thought...instead of allowing a failed leader take over an open district, how about developing the next generation of leaders from within our OSR ranks? That's what most good companies do. Now, when upper management asks "why the low morale?", here's one example. Just my thoughts.

I left and it was the best decision for me. I have over 20 years experience and B&L was the worst career move I ever made. Micro managed beyond belief. Conference calls so often, they wonder why numbers were down. We were always on the phone, listening to BS on how to make sales. I'm a professional I know how to make sales, thats one of the reasons you hired me. My manager said, "Get them to buy an inventory now, they can return it later." After some soul searching I put out my resume. Got a job within a month. Make more money, about the same benefits, negotiated for 4 weeks vacation. No job is perfect, but B&L was totally a waste of 2 years of my life. But for others it may be the perfect fit. Ask Robert Kells.