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Ivan Tornos

Dane along with the few others founded Biomet with their own money as well as investors, etc. They his other partners and the board had him fired. He then put up his own money again and recruited investors. They out bid smith and nephew and brought the company private again and brought in Binder. Then they sold out with Dane being the only opposition to Zimmer. The short story here. Dane was great! He did have one fault. He was loyal to some real jerk off’s who he should have let go of. He was a great visionary in orthopedics and a great man!

Dane along with the few others founded Biomet with their own money as well as investors, etc. They his other partners and the board had him fired. He then put up his own money again and recruited investors. They out bid smith and nephew and brought the company private again and brought in Binder. Then they sold out with Dane being the only opposition to Zimmer. The short story here. Dane was great! He did have one fault. He was loyal to some real jerk off’s who he should have let go of. He was a great visionary in orthopedics and a great man!
Has beens. The whole bunch of them.

Dane along with the few others founded Biomet with their own money as well as investors, etc. They his other partners and the board had him fired. He then put up his own money again and recruited investors. They out bid smith and nephew and brought the company private again and brought in Binder. Then they sold out with Dane being the only opposition to Zimmer. The short story here. Dane was great! He did have one fault. He was loyal to some real jerk off’s who he should have let go of. He was a great visionary in orthopedics and a great man!

Zimmer bought this POS company Biomet and we died. End of the fable. Now is all about cutting to make up for the awful mistake. Go tell the bed stories to your grandkids little Paul.

im actually excited that for the first time in 10’years we got products to sell.

Zimmer bought this POS company Biomet and we died. End of the fable. Now is all about cutting to make up for the awful mistake. Go tell the bed stories to your grandkids little Paul.

im actually excited that for the first time in 10’years we got products to sell.

Maybe it's all med tech companies, but my issue is that ZB has decided that it only makes joints and will partner on everything else. If you don't own it, it's a product that any other company can get. And when your partner is acquired, you're fked. Anyway, IT is passionate about the company and gives Warsaw props at every chance. 2x better than Hanson in that regards. Merry Christmas!

Maybe it's all med tech companies, but my issue is that ZB has decided that it only makes joints and will partner on everything else. If you don't own it, it's a product that any other company can get. And when your partner is acquired, you're fked. Anyway, IT is passionate about the company and gives Warsaw props at every chance. 2x better than Hanson in that regards. Merry Christmas!
Exactly. Gonna get my surgeon using a product only to give the business to a competitor next year….. there’s NOTHING to be excited about now, not sure why you are trying to pump this company just to be dumped on.

Maybe it's all med tech companies, but my issue is that ZB has decided that it only makes joints and will partner on everything else. If you don't own it, it's a product that any other company can get. And when your partner is acquired, you're fked. Anyway, IT is passionate about the company and gives Warsaw props at every chance. 2x better than Hanson in that regards. Merry Christmas!

100%. Then again everyone can be better than Hanson who disrespected this city every day for no real reason. I know IT quite well. He is ok…

Sell it and buy more Stryker then and quit whining. ZB stock is exactly where it was 9 years ago…..took you this long to figure out that you own crap? Sharp dude you are!

Now more layoffs? Run for your life, stock not going anywhere and neither is the company.

love how Tornos is just now telling the street about layoffs, like it’s some mythical new strategy. Uh, Ivan, they may be interested to know that you’ve never not continued to reduce headcount. Too bad it’s just the only tool you have when you can’t drive meaningful growth. Certainly didn’t fool the analysts or investors.


love how Tornos is just now telling the street about layoffs, like it’s some mythical new strategy. Uh, Ivan, they may be interested to know that you’ve never not continued to reduce headcount. Too bad it’s just the only tool you have when you can’t drive meaningful growth. Certainly didn’t fool the analysts or investors.


that’s all these CEO’s know how to do, cook the books and lay people off to make numbers lol good enough they get a bonus before they leave and the next one has to do the same. Americas corporate CEO’s are trash, paycheck collectors. Someone from the mailroom can literally do better for all companies as CEO. They get it, these revolving door CEO’s don’t give a chit, obviously.

that’s all these CEO’s know how to do, cook the books and lay people off to make numbers lol good enough they get a bonus before they leave and the next one has to do the same. Americas corporate CEO’s are trash, paycheck collectors. Someone from the mailroom can literally do better for all companies as CEO. They get it, these revolving door CEO’s don’t give a chit, obviously.
Market cap and stock not moving under Ivan's leadership after a year. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

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