Someone in a previous post said "it's brutal out there.". It's worse than your worst nightmare. I have a great job am kicking butt selling an injectable and have recruiters calling me. I've only interviewed with diagnostic and device companies. Here' what they and pharma co's want (I read all job listing): most want you to already be selling in the disease state in the geography so that you already come with customers.
Don't dare show up without thoroughly researching the company, I don't mean just their web site, but news article, reimbursement info, know the competition. Also look at the pipeline and ask questions re that. Look at the co's financial statement, listed sometimes under "investors." Act impressed with their year over year growth. Then write about 20 REALLY SMART questions that come fr all this research. Based on how the interview goes you can decide whic questions are the most pertinent. I suggest you type them out, leave spaces in which to write their answers. All of this will showcase your intelligence and show how detail oriented you are.
Next, prepare a detailed business plan; NOT a generic one. Copy logos and pics from their website and put them on the pages. It looks sharp. Talk to someone who's already wirking for the company and find out what they specifally do every day and put it in your plan.
Also be prepared with specific examples of how you solved customer's problems. If u were in a pod, how did you differentiate yourself. Get sample interview question fr the web and memorize your answers.
Close close close: " so based on our discussion, is there any reason you can think that would prevent u from progressi me to the next level?". They say no. "Then will you progress me to that next step?". Thank you. Oh by the way when will the next round of interviews take place?
Get all business cards!!!
Remember that they want to envision working with you, so no matter how dire your situation may be, interview like you have a job. Ask them what issues they would want you to addres if hired...then give examples of how u did that in last job. Some may ask why you waited until you got laid off to interview. Tell them that based on your ranking and past year end reviews you were confident you'd survive the cuts and had lots of company loyalty but their formula for laying off involve geographic issues.
Brag book: take your resume and get a proof source for each line and I mean EACH line. Then buy. Sheet protectors, large dividers and use them to separate each job you've had with novartis and other companies. Buy a P-touch label maker to make labels for each section then put the label on the dividing tab. Buy hard plastic report covers, about 5 per interview to give to each person witth your resume, rank reprt and business plan.
Brag book again: make an identical copy of ur brag book. Get a fedex account. Take a fedex box and prefilled label. Ask if the hiring manager wld like to review your brag book and telkl them they can send it back with the bix provided and the pre-paid label. NO ONE does. That. And it's impressive. Everyone I've ever given my copy to has returned it. If they don't want it, don't ask again..
Buy a box of thank you notes, very simple ones. Once the interview is over hand write a personalized note to each person present. This is hard to do if you don't have their business cards. If in a hotel, pay the mgr or concierge five bucks to hand deliver to him, her, them. This will blow them away. Also write quickly; I had a manager leave the hotel because I spent too much time writing the 'perfect" note.
It's a whole new interviewing world now. Gone are the days when if you're smart enough, good looking enough and they like you best you'll be hired. Relying on that alone now will make you look lazy. I hope this helps even one person. God bless.