I personally would hire the person who was unemployed. They are so darned thankful to have any job, they work their asses off. But, if you are out of work for longer than average, that raises questions. And, some companies, ridiculous as it is in this economy, still won't hire you if you are unemployed.

Spot on. I was looked at heavily at month 1-6 and very little at month 6-12. At two years, I gave up and got a little job in a little store. I make enough to pay the rent, utilities and buy food. No more fancy dinners or trips, but I am at peace with myself and have learned that no matter what happens, I will be OK. The same goes for all of you. There will be adjustments but it will not cost the love and respect of your family. As for everybody else - I honestly do not care anymore. I knew the whole deal was rigged from day-one.

Novartis is chalked full of good, honest hard working people. We will all find our way.

Smile and keep moving forward.

For those over 35 that have not experienced the super young college grad DM be prepared.

They are generally nice and trying to do a good job, but seriously, who wants to hire someone that knows more than they do, is older and is conceived as potential threat?

It does not work. After the first 15 minutes of warm fuzziness wears off, it is apparent that neither part wants to be a part of the process. I have not excused myself as of yet, but believe I will call a spade-a spade on the next one. Why waste the time. It turns out to be humiliating experience and makes for an ugly drive home to an empty house that is going south with the emergency savings account.

I reached out to many of my friends who got laid off last year- about 20- all but one found a job and she chose to not look till This past December (not sure why). She waited too long.

I agree with the OP- it's too early and it's JUST A JOB!!!

I WILL use this time to get a new skill and get out. I don't want a job where I will be in the same boat next year. This is a RARE opportunity for us to hone a new skill make make a better decision for my future and my family.

I used to think this was a career over 10 years ago- not it's a paycheck and one I am THANKFUL for but not proud of.

Yes I work with some morons- but for the most part they are good people and I wish would realize the potential we have.

Don't forget the IPad is coming with this job. It will be even worse to do this job then now if that's possible. The whole industry will be on the Pad making it a true 1984 police state for all to enjoy. Personally I'd rather work in a pet shop waiting on customers then go down this road for future job prospects.

Someone in a previous post said "it's brutal out there.". It's worse than your worst nightmare. I have a great job am kicking butt selling an injectable and have recruiters calling me. I've only interviewed with diagnostic and device companies. Here' what they and pharma co's want (I read all job listing): most want you to already be selling in the disease state in the geography so that you already come with customers.

Don't dare show up without thoroughly researching the company, I don't mean just their web site, but news article, reimbursement info, know the competition. Also look at the pipeline and ask questions re that. Look at the co's financial statement, listed sometimes under "investors." Act impressed with their year over year growth. Then write about 20 REALLY SMART questions that come fr all this research. Based on how the interview goes you can decide whic questions are the most pertinent. I suggest you type them out, leave spaces in which to write their answers. All of this will showcase your intelligence and show how detail oriented you are.

Next, prepare a detailed business plan; NOT a generic one. Copy logos and pics from their website and put them on the pages. It looks sharp. Talk to someone who's already wirking for the company and find out what they specifally do every day and put it in your plan.

Also be prepared with specific examples of how you solved customer's problems. If u were in a pod, how did you differentiate yourself. Get sample interview question fr the web and memorize your answers.

Close close close: " so based on our discussion, is there any reason you can think that would prevent u from progressi me to the next level?". They say no. "Then will you progress me to that next step?". Thank you. Oh by the way when will the next round of interviews take place?

Get all business cards!!!

Remember that they want to envision working with you, so no matter how dire your situation may be, interview like you have a job. Ask them what issues they would want you to addres if hired...then give examples of how u did that in last job. Some may ask why you waited until you got laid off to interview. Tell them that based on your ranking and past year end reviews you were confident you'd survive the cuts and had lots of company loyalty but their formula for laying off involve geographic issues.

Brag book: take your resume and get a proof source for each line and I mean EACH line. Then buy. Sheet protectors, large dividers and use them to separate each job you've had with novartis and other companies. Buy a P-touch label maker to make labels for each section then put the label on the dividing tab. Buy hard plastic report covers, about 5 per interview to give to each person witth your resume, rank reprt and business plan.

Brag book again: make an identical copy of ur brag book. Get a fedex account. Take a fedex box and prefilled label. Ask if the hiring manager wld like to review your brag book and telkl them they can send it back with the bix provided and the pre-paid label. NO ONE does. That. And it's impressive. Everyone I've ever given my copy to has returned it. If they don't want it, don't ask again..

Buy a box of thank you notes, very simple ones. Once the interview is over hand write a personalized note to each person present. This is hard to do if you don't have their business cards. If in a hotel, pay the mgr or concierge five bucks to hand deliver to him, her, them. This will blow them away. Also write quickly; I had a manager leave the hotel because I spent too much time writing the 'perfect" note.

It's a whole new interviewing world now. Gone are the days when if you're smart enough, good looking enough and they like you best you'll be hired. Relying on that alone now will make you look lazy. I hope this helps even one person. God bless.

Bravo. That was fabulous. I own a business and would be extremely impressed if a candidate had their presentation together as you described. You would be horrified at how many simply mail, or worse yet, e-mail a resume and expect me to take contact them. The only thing I would add to your spot on analysis, do what you need to make sure the hiring manager gets the application, not a dead end office.

Someone in a previous post said "it's brutal out there.". It's worse than your worst nightmare. I have a great job am kicking butt selling an injectable and have recruiters calling me. I've only interviewed with diagnostic and device companies. Here' what they and pharma co's want (I read all job listing): most want you to already be selling in the disease state in the geography so that you already come with customers.

Don't dare show up without thoroughly researching the company, I don't mean just their web site, but news article, reimbursement info, know the competition. Also look at the pipeline and ask questions re that. Look at the co's financial statement, listed sometimes under "investors." Act impressed with their year over year growth. Then write about 20 REALLY SMART questions that come fr all this research. Based on how the interview goes you can decide whic questions are the most pertinent. I suggest you type them out, leave spaces in which to write their answers. All of this will showcase your intelligence and show how detail oriented you are.

Next, prepare a detailed business plan; NOT a generic one. Copy logos and pics from their website and put them on the pages. It looks sharp. Talk to someone who's already wirking for the company and find out what they specifally do every day and put it in your plan.

Also be prepared with specific examples of how you solved customer's problems. If u were in a pod, how did you differentiate yourself. Get sample interview question fr the web and memorize your answers.

Close close close: " so based on our discussion, is there any reason you can think that would prevent u from progressi me to the next level?". They say no. "Then will you progress me to that next step?". Thank you. Oh by the way when will the next round of interviews take place?

Get all business cards!!!

Remember that they want to envision working with you, so no matter how dire your situation may be, interview like you have a job. Ask them what issues they would want you to addres if hired...then give examples of how u did that in last job. Some may ask why you waited until you got laid off to interview. Tell them that based on your ranking and past year end reviews you were confident you'd survive the cuts and had lots of company loyalty but their formula for laying off involve geographic issues.

Brag book: take your resume and get a proof source for each line and I mean EACH line. Then buy. Sheet protectors, large dividers and use them to separate each job you've had with novartis and other companies. Buy a P-touch label maker to make labels for each section then put the label on the dividing tab. Buy hard plastic report covers, about 5 per interview to give to each person witth your resume, rank reprt and business plan.

Brag book again: make an identical copy of ur brag book. Get a fedex account. Take a fedex box and prefilled label. Ask if the hiring manager wld like to review your brag book and telkl them they can send it back with the bix provided and the pre-paid label. NO ONE does. That. And it's impressive. Everyone I've ever given my copy to has returned it. If they don't want it, don't ask again..

Buy a box of thank you notes, very simple ones. Once the interview is over hand write a personalized note to each person present. This is hard to do if you don't have their business cards. If in a hotel, pay the mgr or concierge five bucks to hand deliver to him, her, them. This will blow them away. Also write quickly; I had a manager leave the hotel because I spent too much time writing the 'perfect" note.

It's a whole new interviewing world now. Gone are the days when if you're smart enough, good looking enough and they like you best you'll be hired. Relying on that alone now will make you look lazy. I hope this helps even one person. God bless.

One of the kindest and most thoughtful post I have ever read on Cafepharma Thank you and God Bless!!!!
I feel better after reading this and many of the posts in this thread tonight. Thank you again I am currently 6 months pregnant and pretty certain I will be gone due to tenure. Thanks for giving me hope to interview after the baby is born in June. =)

Being unemployed for too long is a stigma, or did you fail to notice the news reports about companies not even looking at unemployed applicants?

Even in professions where there were long term shortages, like nursing and pharmacy, even new grads are having a tough time finding jobs.

There is absolutely no harm in starting the process early. It will take time for anyone to even get an interview, assuming their resume is even seen by the hiring manager. Figure at least a month for the HR pukes to sift through the resumes, another two weeks for an initial phone screen, another three to four weeks for a screen by the hiring manager and then another two to three for a face to face assuming you make it all that far. You already have at least two to three months tied up in waiting time. In this economy, if your name is current on the list every day, you are nobody.

The old pharma infrastructure, including the parasite recruiters and the useless HR pukes, is changing rapidly. Problem is, the human element of the contact times and meeting obligations have not changed.

You people need to get off of being unemployed as being a sentence to never finding a job. I was laid off last year and waited until I was ready to interview. I started interviewing 3 months ago, I was hired and was up against 125 people. Get it out of your mind that your unemployed, gosh that is stupid and get some balls, get your confidence back and knock em dead. I did and I could do it again. What N puts you through is so mind draining that sometimes you need to sit back and ask yourself, what is life really about and I will never let company treat me that way again. I promise you that!!!! Stop looking in the rearview mirror with your life and move forward. Everything is going to be okay. Remember you could get hit by a car while walking this afternoon and be gone. Live each minute of everyday like this will be your last day.

You people need to get off of being unemployed as being a sentence to never finding a job. I was laid off last year and waited until I was ready to interview. I started interviewing 3 months ago, I was hired and was up against 125 people. Get it out of your mind that your unemployed, gosh that is stupid and get some balls, get your confidence back and knock em dead. I did and I could do it again. What N puts you through is so mind draining that sometimes you need to sit back and ask yourself, what is life really about and I will never let company treat me that way again. I promise you that!!!! Stop looking in the rearview mirror with your life and move forward. Everything is going to be okay. Remember you could get hit by a car while walking this afternoon and be gone. Live each minute of everyday like this will be your last day.

Thank you finally someone who is thinking straight and didn't freak out.
I plan on taking a few months to just enjoy life and be happy to not work at this company.
It will take me that long to regroup and then I will be reinvigorated.
I really think you can't make a do all for everyone and every area of the country.
People shouldn't be scared into thinking they will have such a hard time finding a job.

Thank you finally someone who is thinking straight and didn't freak out.
I plan on taking a few months to just enjoy life and be happy to not work at this company.
It will take me that long to regroup and then I will be reinvigorated.
I really think you can't make a do all for everyone and every area of the country.
People shouldn't be scared into thinking they will have such a hard time finding a job.

Many are the sole income source supporting a family. This isn't a job for entertainment and 'enrichment' for most. Most do not have the luxury of taking a few months off to 'find themselves'.

Many are the sole income source supporting a family. This isn't a job for entertainment and 'enrichment' for most. Most do not have the luxury of taking a few months off to 'find themselves'.

Well I know how to safe money better than most.
Oh and by the way, I do have to thank Velez et al. For the nice check .
That will help me live for about 6 more months without a job.

I am the sole provider with a family....just know how to manage my money better than some

DO NOT WAIT TO SEEK WORK. There are a few examples of people getting jobs right away.
I am happy for you. I would imagine you had a great run, worked hard and deserve it.

However, a lot of depends on your age and where you live. Do not listen to these people.
It is very hard to find work. The so called real world could careless if you won the company award. Honest.

This I did learn: A job-any job-is better than saying you are currently unemployed.

Second: exercise and stay on a regular schedule. The rejection can become overwhelming as the financial pressures mount.

I think I am stronger today than I was in 09, a bit jaded and poorer. It is all relative.

Roll with it.

DO NOT WAIT TO SEEK WORK. There are a few examples of people getting jobs right away.
I am happy for you. I would imagine you had a great run, worked hard and deserve it.

However, a lot of depends on your age and where you live. Do not listen to these people.
It is very hard to find work. The so called real world could careless if you won the company award. Honest.

This I did learn: A job-any job-is better than saying you are currently unemployed.

Second: exercise and stay on a regular schedule. The rejection can become overwhelming as the financial pressures mount.

I think I am stronger today than I was in 09, a bit jaded and poorer. It is all relative.

Roll with it.

In some ways I would disagree. Everyone is different. Some people need to decompress from what has happened and what they have been through during the years they spent doing this job. Some people can jump out there and don't need a break. And just because you get out there sooner doesn't guarantee you'll get something sooner. In fact it might take you longer since you didn't take the necessary time to prepare properly and think it through.

It's going to be hard no matter what you do yet you have to understand it's better to be emotionally ready and clear about what you want then impulsively taking something out of desperation.

It's harder to jump into a job, invest time and effort when you know up front it's not for you. If you put your time in at a dead end career you only end up right back where you started with the 2 Bob's axing you. It would be like graduating from high school and not going to college and taking that factory job for the money only to face limited job options in the future and a pink slip from a factory shut down. All I'm saying is think before you jump in again. What do you really want? Is this how I want to spend the next 10 or 20 years of my life?

If you put more time into the dead end you just get that much older and it gets that much harder. If your already older you know what I'm talking about and now your options may be limited yet even then it's not over yet so try for something you can stomach now. The advantage of being older is you don't have to work as long to hit retirement and if you saved you have already paid for a lot of the big expenses and have some coin in the bank. Look at this next job as something you wouldn't mind doing everyday.


Are you people for real? Even with a single income home- you need to chill out and realize you will be taken care of for a bit- make a list of the top 3 things you have wanted to do but haven't. GO DO THEM... jobs will be here when you get ready. Who knows- maybe there will be an increase.

If you notice other markets are hiring- just not this one. Get out of it and find work someplace else. Have some confidence in yourself- and most importantly- chill out... the world isn't crashing- you can live on Obama care if you need to HAHAHAHAH

Ex-novartian here.
Guys....don't be stupid. Take your fate into your own hands. I escaped the layoff last year and found a job about 6 months after announcement. If you want to find a job close to or as lucrative as your current start now. I am lucky....I am making over 2x what I was making at novartis; however, if I were to wait like you dumbasses are purposing I would be forced t have taken something less desirable. Don't let novartis hold your fate one more moment. I gotta tell you, it is so freeing parting ways with that unholy place!

They can start now if they are ready if not better to take a moment. Glad it worked out for you. Yes time is ticking yet time is always ticking and opportunities are always evolving.

That sounds reasonable, UNTIL you start looking for a job. There may be a select few with so many connections that they can find a job soon. However, I was laid off last year, I have a great resume, and it still took me over six months. It is super tough out there, so my advice to everyone is to start looking right away and and take it if you find it. Trust me, it is brutal out there.

I don't think people understand how brutal it is out there. I was laid off in the last round. It took me ONE FULL year to find a decent job. I lost everything and I'm having to start over.

Also...very important.....if you can't find a job within 6 months, No One will hire you after that...especially recruiters, they highly discriminate against the unemployed. Get a job asap!! Trust me!