Tom has been in the Vaccine Division for about a decade and he only has a couple of successful years. The first successful year he really didn't earn because his Adult Immunization Reps were getting credit for the Pediatric Reps' VARIVAX and GARDASIL doses in the pediatric offices around 2009. He also spent his entire time in Vaccines drowning his reps in wasteful activities by making them come up with business plans that were made up, weekly teleconferences that solved nothing, worthless workshops that were just show pieces for his favorite lapdogs and role play workshops that are nowhere close to the reality of how to sell Vaccines to customers. All of that B.S. busywork made the Miserable Midwest region sublevel set and less than mediocre which led to many of his successful reps and CTL's to leave his region. Enough is enough. Bring in somebody for less money who will actually allow the reps to build relationships, build access and actually sell toward the individual needs of the customers.
Tommy's self serving lapdog, Sean Swider, needs to go too. He brings no value to the organization when he was a CTL or currently as a VKCL. All he does is put together non approved glamorous sales presentations with no real substance, steals the ideas of reps in his district, forces his district to do his work for him and praises how great Tom is in meetings if he actually decides to go to meetings. How many times can this guy show up to meetings, pretend he gets an important call and then conveniently leave before the meeting is over? Sean the self serving sycophant.
Drop these two losers and things will get better in the Midwest. There will be less turnover and more sales production. Keeping this deadweight duo will just continue the pattern of more turnover and encourage the region just to do the bare minimum to stay off the radar because nothing really positive happens for people who excel for Tom or Sean. These people are usually exploited, burnt out then leave.