It's Time to Terminate Thomas L. Lyon III and his suck up sidekick, Sean Swider too!

Tom Lyon has not contributed a single dime to the Vaccine Division. He has not sold a vaccine or convinced a customer to keep using a vaccine. All he does is facilitate meetings/teleconferences, talk nonstop about himself, use corporate buzzwords that he didn't come up with, waste corporate money on milk run field visits, use corny themes or phrases he didn't come up with, bugs his reps to write detailed account plans that only benefit him and keeps his region fighting amongst each other to get promoted or to get raises that Tom rarely offers. Merck wasted it's money on him. Merck could have hired a high school teacher for much less to get more out of the Midwest region and less people leaving the region. Tom needs to go!!!! This overpriced experiment has failed miserably.

Get rid of Loser Phil Lowery who also is worthless sitting in his cubicle producing useless spreadsheets. What a waste is salary.

Tom Lyon has not contributed a single dime to the Vaccine Division. He has not sold a vaccine or convinced a customer to keep using a vaccine. All he does is facilitate meetings/teleconferences, talk nonstop about himself, use corporate buzzwords that he didn't come up with, waste corporate money on milk run field visits, use corny themes or phrases he didn't come up with, bugs his reps to write detailed account plans that only benefit him and keeps his region fighting amongst each other to get promoted or to get raises that Tom rarely offers. Merck wasted it's money on him. Merck could have hired a high school teacher for much less to get more out of the Midwest region and less people leaving the region. Tom needs to go!!!! This overpriced experiment has failed miserably.

I am so happy Tom Lyon will be at the bottom again for sales performance in 2016. After all, you can't spell bottom without Tom. You need to be teaching at your home town Rockworst University management program full-time because you are one of the worst managers at Merck. LOL!!!

I am so happy Tom Lyon will be at the bottom again for sales performance in 2016. After all, you can't spell bottom without Tom. You need to be teaching at your home town Rockworst University management program full-time because you are one of the worst managers at Merck. LOL!!!

You can go Lower with Phil Lower y. He will always be below Tom Lyon.

The Detroit Health Department can't stand S. Swider. DHD employees still talk about how much they miss the original Public Sector Manager, GL. They figured out right away Swider was a self serving pest without a clue. Swider's negative reputation is spreading like a plague . You reap what you sow little red brat.

The public sector in Tom's overall region has deteriorated. Tommy was so jealous of Mark Hirth and the public sector managers because they knew more than him about vaccine public sector issues. Tom basically used Mark to learn everything he could from him about public sector and did nothing to help Mark or the region public sector managers when they got displaced. Now you have mostly Tom's lapdogs handling public sector and they are clueless just like Tom is still. Tom deserves to fail because he was never qualified to be a director of Vaccines anyways. Mark Hirth or Dan Casterline should be the rightful director because they both sold vaccines for years, took positions in headquarters and have strong public sector vaccine experience which is half of Merck's customers, the government.

For all of you Koolaid drinking lapdogs of Tom who have received positive comments from him, understand they mean nothing when it comes to year end reviews or career advancement. Tom is about as two faced as they come. He is notorious for complimenting you to your face and then criticizing you behind your back to other managers and directors. If you do something that benefits him and you want move up in the company or get promoted, forget about it. He will undermine your advancement so he can exploit you for his own benefit. He has blatantly lied to reps and CTLs alike that he has put in a good word for them when it comes to advancement but it has been discovered he has never spoken a word on their behalf. That is a fact. Do yourself a favor, if he says he put in a good word for you always do your research and find out on the other end. He is a lying, bigoted, sexist, two faced narcissist that cares only about himself. If I am wrong then why has most of his management team and former S3s he had since 2011, including 2 ROA's and at least 2 account managers have moved on? Almost everybody who works directly with him burns out quickly and tries to get as far away from him as possible. He is a cancer to the Merck Vaccine Division.

I never worked for Tom, don't know Tom but I am continually amazed at how this guy is lit up like a super nova on this site. Hands down, he has to be the most vilified person on all of cafépharma. I would have to assume that upper management at Merck pays some attention to Café pharma and would be just a little bit curious as to why he garners such vitriol of epic proportions? As the old saying goes "where there is smoke there's fire"

I never worked for Tom, don't know Tom but I am continually amazed at how this guy is lit up like a super nova on this site. Hands down, he has to be the most vilified person on all of cafépharma. I would have to assume that upper management at Merck pays some attention to Café pharma and would be just a little bit curious as to why he garners such vitriol of epic proportions? As the old saying goes "where there is smoke there's fire"

There's a good reason for the multiple threads about him. The dude ruined a lot of people's careers at Merck, especially many good folks who started out in Vaccines.

When he came to Vaccines he used his power of director to hold meetings, encourage the folks with the most knowledge about Vaccines to share their knowledge with him and his people and when the opportunity came, he would work behind the scenes to force them out and bring in more of his folks he trusted into influential positions. He does it with a smile and pretends to care about all the people in his region but he only has a few folks he likes and tries to push out those he doesn't think are loyal enough.

Tom likes to place people in little boxes in his mind. Once he categorizes you as loyal or not you stay in those boxes forever. He will also turn on his loyal folks if they don't do exactly what he says too. It is almost impossible to please Tom or get promoted.

If you haven't noticed, nobody on hear is really bashing his appearance or anything. They are pointing out his deceitful behaviors and the number of people who have gotten let go by him or just got way from him. Just ask people in his region. Some will have that awkward pause and say he is great and others will look around to make sure nobody else is listening and cryptically tell you he is a challenging PITA. Not that many people like him including fellow directors. Haven't you also noticed not too many folks come on hear to defend him? Yes, there is a lot of smoke and fire with Tom because he burns out his people and burns down their career path.

There's a good reason for the multiple threads about him. The dude ruined a lot of people's careers at Merck, especially many good folks who started out in Vaccines.

When he came to Vaccines he used his power of director to hold meetings, encourage the folks with the most knowledge about Vaccines to share their knowledge with him and his people and when the opportunity came, he would work behind the scenes to force them out and bring in more of his folks he trusted into influential positions. He does it with a smile and pretends to care about all the people in his region but he only has a few folks he likes and tries to push out those he doesn't think are loyal enough.

Tom likes to place people in little boxes in his mind. Once he categorizes you as loyal or not you stay in those boxes forever. He will also turn on his loyal folks if they don't do exactly what he says too. It is almost impossible to please Tom or get promoted.

If you haven't noticed, nobody on hear is really bashing his appearance or anything. They are pointing out his deceitful behaviors and the number of people who have gotten let go by him or just got way from him. Just ask people in his region. Some will have that awkward pause and say he is great and others will look around to make sure nobody else is listening and cryptically tell you he is a challenging PITA. Not that many people like him including fellow directors. Haven't you also noticed not too many folks come on hear to defend him? Yes, there is a lot of smoke and fire with Tom because he burns out his people and burns down their career path.

It amazes me the TL is still with Merck Vaccines when every other DCO is gone and replaced with someone else. Time for TL to go.

It amazes me the TL is still with Merck Vaccines when every other DCO is gone and replaced with someone else. Time for TL to go.

If Merck wants to reduce operating expenses they have to remove him. He's been in Merck over 20 years and he's only like 47 years old. You have to figure he's making at least a 250k-300k salary, over 50k bonuses and God only knows what in stock options.

Merck can bring in somebody with less years for almost half the pay. Tom started out as a director in vaccines without a clue some time around 2006 and he's still clueless about kid vaccines and public sector vaccine issues. He also hasn't been a trailblazer or anything with adult vaccines either. DCO, Paul Cruz, did that and got out of Vaccines at the right time for Oncology recently. So glad I worked for him rather than Tom. The stories my friends in the Midwest tell me about his demands. Yuck!!!

Merck leadership can bring in somebody as green as Tom was a decade ago for somebody dirt cheap now. It's not like he's been number 1 in the nation dozens of time since his start. He's only finished number 1 like twice in that timeframe. Enough of the Tomfoolery!

Here is Tom and Sean's joint Christmas card to the region.


It amazes me the TL is still with Merck Vaccines when every other DCO is gone and replaced with someone else. Time for TL to go.

The Merck Vaccine Division only needs two DCO's. One for the East and one for the West. Get rid of the rest especially the overpaid, narcissistic control freak in the Mighty Midwest.