Its been a few months now - Lets have an honest discussion

Shut Up. We own you little dweeps. WE ARE GILEAD and WE REIGN SUPREME. I'll take two creams with that coffee - did you hear me!!! Now get out of my way - you are taking too much of my Oxygen. Just be glad we still let you all still have some - but, don't take it for granted: We may change our minds on that one too!!!

You're a disgrace to this industry. You and your ilk have no integrity........just like a typical PCP rep. If this is DC in NYC, you still are the biggest douche around.....if it isn't, you're still a douche. Karma, baby, karma.

shut up! we own this market - we own you - actually we own the world. We are Gilead. Do you think we are actually working hard? no way jose - we are just driving around asking docs "hows it going? ...Good? ...Glad to hear" Then going and shopping somewhere. Its not so hard work. Again, WE R GILEAD; kind of like GODS

I hate it here at Gilead. The management is all about making money - they could care less about the patients. I heard one of them say " I could care less if they live or die as long as they have insurance and we get paid" Can you believe it? Heartless Animals.

You heard correctly. My doc told me it will be in his hands to use (off study) by mid 2015 (Trust me - He knows) He told me at that time he will probably split the business. Ugg! I told my manager and he didn't even seem to care. What is with this company - I can't say that I am too unhappy here, but there is sure a weird vibe going around. I think upper management is scared that Abbvie will drop the price to nothing and destroy the market. Face it, its the only way they can sell that 5drugcombo dog.

I was told it would be end of 2015 - like dec or even jan 2016.

You are correct and the other guy posting as different people is wrong. We will be out this year with one pill once a day with close to 100% SVR's with little side effects. What could any other company have to compete with that?

AND before Merck comes out we will have a pan genotypic out and in the market.

We are in great shape. This other guy posting here is a douche

and you would know are definitely not the douche! I say, we are getting a little bit touchy around here with the Glorious stock going down to the 50 -55 level or even lower and then Gilead will settle with the IP issue and the stock will go down to 20-25 level. Couldn't happen top a nicer company. Losers!