ITCI benefits


Any feedback on the ITCI benefits? Expecting an offer early this week, and I’d like a better idea of what the health/wellness benefits look like. Anecdotal feedback is ‘they’re great’ but that’s very vague. One person said the health benefits are free. That makes me scratch my head a bit.


The high deductible HSA plan is a dollar every two weeks. The Aetna POS family plan is $250 every two weeks. Benefits are pretty standard. Dental and vision are extra. You only get 1X annual salary for life insurance. I don’t think you have the option to buy more.

The high deductible HSA plan is a dollar every two weeks. The Aetna POS family plan is $250 every two weeks. Benefits are pretty standard. Dental and vision are extra. You only get 1X annual salary for life insurance. I don’t think you have the option to buy more.
Actually, the high deductible plan is only $100 a month if you get quarterly prostate exams and submit a monthly stool sample. Not sure what options my female counterparts are offered regarding reduced rates. Hope that helps