Clearly, these incredibly successful sales reps who are making it big as a result of the "New Quest" (or any other company for that matter) aren't yet making enough that their time has become too valuable to be bitching and gossiping like a bunch of 12 year old girls who never actually passed 6th grade English. Everyone I know, who is even moderately successful in their career, has far more interesting things to do with their spare time (and their money). So, I'll just assume for now that if you're in Sales (at ANY company), and you're spending all of your time here posting nasty, ridiculous comments about things which you truly know nothing about...then you probably aren't yet earning enough for our "New Quest" that you can spend your time decorating your McMansion, cruising in your Ferrari with your toupee flying in the wind, sailing the seas on your yacht with your rented bikini girls, or cheating on your hot, trophy wife with your next hot, trophy wife. And you're definitely not making enough to retire early and not actually care about what's going on in the average working stiff's world.