IT Layoffs

You call a lot of people son on this board, must suffer from ED and not able to have children of your own. Blow hard

It must be frustrating for you, always being put in your place by your superiors. But take your childish rant elsewhere, junior. Get some enzyte if you need to prop up your fragile ego or call Dr Laura and have a good cry. This is a place for sales professionals at Quest Diagnostics and you are clearly too weak to be in our ranks.

It must be frustrating for you, always being put in your place by your superiors. But take your childish rant elsewhere, junior. Get some enzyte if you need to prop up your fragile ego or call Dr Laura and have a good cry. This is a place for sales professionals at Quest Diagnostics and you are clearly too weak to be in our ranks.

Can you try to come up with some new material to post. You do love your BK, Enzyte, Dr Laura, son, junior, fat wife, fluffer and the list goes on. Do you think that any of that has to do with being a sales professional at Quest Diagnostics.

I know as a Sales Rep that I am very concerned about the IT layoffs --- just heard some of the many names today and I am literally sick to my stomach. These are the folks that I've leaned on for years to get issues resolved with key customers. If you are in Sales and are not concerned, I can only say that you should be.

I know as a Sales Rep that I am very concerned about the IT layoffs --- just heard some of the many names today and I am literally sick to my stomach. These are the folks that I've leaned on for years to get issues resolved with key customers. If you are in Sales and are not concerned, I can only say that you should be.

You're sick to your stomach because you overate at lunch yet again...that enormous gut didn't occur overnight.

It is not your place to tell sales professionals what should or should not concern them. Your leadership team has these matters well in hand, junior.

Clearly, these incredibly successful sales reps who are making it big as a result of the "New Quest" (or any other company for that matter) aren't yet making enough that their time has become too valuable to be bitching and gossiping like a bunch of 12 year old girls who never actually passed 6th grade English. Everyone I know, who is even moderately successful in their career, has far more interesting things to do with their spare time (and their money). So, I'll just assume for now that if you're in Sales (at ANY company), and you're spending all of your time here posting nasty, ridiculous comments about things which you truly know nothing about...then you probably aren't yet earning enough for our "New Quest" that you can spend your time decorating your McMansion, cruising in your Ferrari with your toupee flying in the wind, sailing the seas on your yacht with your rented bikini girls, or cheating on your hot, trophy wife with your next hot, trophy wife. And you're definitely not making enough to retire early and not actually care about what's going on in the average working stiff's world.

You're sick to your stomach because you overate at lunch yet again...that enormous gut didn't occur overnight.

It is not your place to tell sales professionals what should or should not concern them. Your leadership team has these matters well in hand, junior.

"It is not your place to tell sales professionals what should or should not concern them" This is advices you should practice yourself there honey. Are you stupid or something.

If the sales force did their job even half as well as ran their mouths quest would be alot better shape. Sales is both responsible for quests success and failure.

The sales people are not magicians. What they do sell is a service - laboratory testing that has to be backed up by operations and information technology. Repetitive service failures and a lack of overall accountability is largely what drives clients to competitors.
You sound like the typical sales-hostile operations "professional" - just what Quest needs.

Let's leave this thread for the IT layoffs. Sales can talk on the other threads.

Works for me. Here are some facts about the IT layoffs that are apparently lost on you. Not only do we not care if you lose your jobs, we are all happy about it. We want names so we can all have the last laugh at your expense. At your next job at Best Buy, try to learn from your failure here and try to be actually helpful and productive in supporting your employer's objectives.

Works for me. Here are some facts about the IT layoffs that are apparently lost on you. Not only do we not care if you lose your jobs, we are all happy about it. We want names so we can all have the last laugh at your expense. At your next job at Best Buy, try to learn from your failure here and try to be actually helpful and productive in supporting your employer's objectives.

Wow, When your clients start complaining that their interface is down and results arent crossing over that IT guy that you're laughing it now will be someone you're going to wish was your best friend but don't worry labcop has a robust IT staff and will be happy to take your clients who are sick of quests incompetence and crappy service .

Wow, When your clients start complaining that their interface is down and results arent crossing over that IT guy that you're laughing it now will be someone you're going to wish was your best friend but don't worry labcop has a robust IT staff and will be happy to take your clients who are sick of quests incompetence and crappy service .

Do us all a favor and hire some of the uncooperative losers we just canned. Then tell us how great your IT support is.

I guess then sales people are the center of the universe like the Greek Gods on Mount Olympus and we are all just peasants dependent upon them for their kindness and generosity. If so how about showing some godlike compassion and do your job and sell or is this too much to ask.

I guess then sales people are the center of the universe like the Greek Gods on Mount Olympus and we are all just peasants dependent upon them for their kindness and generosity. If so how about showing some godlike compassion and do your job and sell or is this too much to ask.

HA... That will be the day. Sales people are just bloody good for nothing wankers.

HA... That will be the day. Sales people are just bloody good for nothing wankers.

The commissioned sales professionals at Quest Diagnostics and my elite team of superstars are the engine that drives the revenue into our great new organization. You are geeks for hire that would be best served to follow our orders and tend to our needs. Learn your place, son.

The commissioned sales professionals at Quest Diagnostics and my elite team of superstars are the engine that drives the revenue into our great new organization. You are geeks for hire that would be best served to follow our orders and tend to our needs. Learn your place, son.

Ha, the Quest sales team costs more (salary, benefits, meetings, cars, etc.) than the revenue they bring in. Quest would generate more profit by just eliminating the sales force and focusing on improving service.

Ha, the Quest sales team costs more (salary, benefits, meetings, cars, etc.) than the revenue they bring in. Quest would generate more profit by just eliminating the sales force and focusing on improving service.

Do you have any numbers to back up this ridiculous assertion, or are you just talking out of your rear end like usual?