It is time: Yet again another RD says F""K BI!


Another week, another RD is leaving. The east cost sees another RD saying Good-Bye to a screwed up company.
Perhaps Germany is on there way over the pond to fire Behar and Kaplan. Yet another RD leaves BI because they have had enough.


We continually hear how BI wants to keep top talent. Problem is that the Company won't pay to keep the talent they have and neither will they pay to attract "top" talent. Until BI revises their pay scale, talent will continually leave the Company for greener pastures.

Money isn't the only thing that keeps people in place, but it is an important factor nonetheless in attracting and holding on to what you have.

A few RD's leaving is not the end of the world. Also allows the new ZVP to make their own team instead of working with what they inherited.

Besides, I thought there were a bunch of people in CD's region that disliked him? Shouldn't they all be happy?

And I hear we are interviewing outside candidates that are current DM's and RD's.

So what.

We may also be interviewing people for CSC, ISR, SAE, PCP and other positions. Woop-di-friggin-doo.

And I hear we are interviewing outside candidates that are current DM's and RD's.

So what.

We may also be interviewing people for CSC, ISR, SAE, PCP and other positions. Woop-di-friggin-doo.

Point missed. Not sure where you are in the company, but most of us see the interviewing with BMS as a weakness BI is enduring. Courting good talent isn't easy. Watching the exodus of top talent is painful if you care about BI. Just saying I get the point.