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Is women's health going to survive

womens health has less then a year before restructure- or being sold off. If you do not believe that you are super ignorant. The company is not investing in this division . Pay off your debt and or save for when the hammer falls. Because it's coming. Managers will be the most shocked as they are mostly drinking the koolaid.

Women's Health and Hospital will be greatly reduced or sold-off by 2nd QTR of 2017. Have to remember the hiring freeze in both divisions before the Pzifer deal. Both of the lowest revenue generating product lines!

I just got "promoted" into this position. Do you think this was to get me out?

Good god man, pull your head out of your arse. WH was slated to get rolled into established brands along with AI had Pfizer gone through...you know the division that was going to get spun off? Loved BM's explanation at the time..."needed to add higher growth assets to the established brands business, nothing to see here". Okaaaay

What's the reasoning behind that? Are we going to be sold?

They are already discussing it with a couple of buyers. Of course they will deny it, but look at the resources NOT being poured in to WH. Look at the actual WH products they are taking away and what they are being replaced with. Remember they denied the Allergan and Pfizer deals until they were announced. There are enough people who were burned by what BS and his brown shirts did that see value where he is incapable. Tables are now turned and people can buy a couple of products and divisions at a good price. BS is in over his head a Pappy Icahn is here to bail him out

CR , in Austin, was proud that almost 70 people had been "promoted" from PCP to WH; he omitted the part that many good WH reps had Been managed out or left on their own because they saw the writing on the wall.

I would have been gone months ago, but in my area the opportunities have been slim pickings. It seems to be picking up a bit, and I hope I'm out in a couple of months.

Of course if we are sold off, they will find a new position for the newly promoted Forest reps...they take care of their young. Any ACTAVIS reps will be gone, what few will be left.

CR , in Austin, was proud that almost 70 people had been "promoted" from PCP to WH; he omitted the part that many good WH reps had Been managed out or left on their own because they saw the writing on the wall.

I would have been gone months ago, but in my area the opportunities have been slim pickings. It seems to be picking up a bit, and I hope I'm out in a couple of months.

Of course if we are sold off, they will find a new position for the newly promoted Forest reps...they take care of their young. Any ACTAVIS reps will be gone, what few will be left.

I thought CR was gone. But you are correct. Where did those 70 openings come from? It certainly was t expansion

Nope his pompous self is still here...
WH will not only survive it will prosper as the extremely strong R&D function has developed a way to make pure gold from common sand. This was actually a spin off from the research recently completed that successfully regenerated a complete body from a severed human head. This research itself being a spin off of the spray that can make any stinky cooter as tasty as cotton candy. What a wonderful company!