Is Savaysa already dead?

The Savaysa baby should have be normal. The "doctors" (in Edison) were incompetent. They mistreated the child from conception and to birth. Regulatory dropped the child a few times delivering to the FDA. Now, we have to raise and sell this problem child to a cruel and competitive world. We should not blame Savaysa, but the inadequate people who "worked" on the baby.

The Savaysa baby should have be normal. The "doctors" (in Edison) were incompetent. They mistreated the child from conception and to birth. Regulatory dropped the child a few times delivering to the FDA. Now, we have to raise and sell this problem child to a cruel and competitive world. We should not blame Savaysa, but the inadequate people who "worked" on the baby.

Amen! Now we pay the price.

My boss says to "sell" through the managed care objection. How about you pay for the $80 increase in co-pay per month vs. the other NOAC's? Sorry jerk boss it does not matter what you say they will not pay the increase !!!!!!! Get it ?

This is why we all look at you and know you are a idiot. You lie to our faces and we all know it. You will never have a any respect.

Fierce Pharma Marketing May 18th, 2015:

"A couple of caveats, however. If Pfizer and Bristol-Myers decide to target Xarelto in a share battle, there's a bigger risk of loss for the Bayer and J&J med. Then there's Savaysa, the new entry into the warfarin-alternative market from Daiichi Sankyo. Though it doesn't have much to differentiate it from its rivals, Daiichi could get aggressive with pricing, which would obviously ratchet up the pressure.

Meanwhile, Bayer and J&J continue to build up stats in Xarelto's favor. Over the weekend, the companies announced data from the VENTURE-AF study showing that Xarelto was as safe as warfarin in atrial fibrillation patients undergoing catheter ablation. "Given the dose adjustments often needed for patients on vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin, to ensure the medicine is working effectively, rivaroxaban may offer a simpler approach in this setting," said the study's lead author, Dr. Andrea Natale, executive medical director at St. David's Medical Center's Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia"

Not looking good for Savaysa.....

"Challenge your customers". Hmmm. Challenge them to what? Maybe we should do broad swords and "engage" our customers in some sort of a duel. Yes, a duel! Maybe foils or Sabres? I'm thinking perhaps a duel with pistols! Challenge your customers and always hold them accountable!

Totally agree with you. You, a rep, cannot challenge a physician who has 12 years of training and knows what's best for his/her patients. i would cringe if any of my doctors let themselves be 'challenged' by a rep. As a matter of fact, it's downright unethical.

So from the post above it looks like Xarelto has another indication! Wow why would any hospital in their right mind add Savaysa to their formulary. And the kicker is we only have 2 indications at 2x the cost of other Factor 10As in the hospital setting. In some cases Xarelto has totally blocked Savaysa from being added to formulary due to their low prices in the hospital. I think we should call our Savaysa Launch "Dumb and Dumber III" except if Harry and Lloyd were running DSI we would probably be better off!

Totally agree with you. You, a rep, cannot challenge a physician who has 12 years of training and knows what's best for his/her patients. i would cringe if any of my doctors let themselves be 'challenged' by a rep. As a matter of fact, it's downright unethical.

But, but, but, but, we will win, right?