Is Savaysa already dead?

The Savaysa baby should have be normal. The "doctors" (in Edison) were incompetent. They mistreated the child from conception and to birth. Regulatory dropped the child a few times delivering to the FDA. Now, we have to raise and sell this problem child to a cruel and competitive world. We should not blame Savaysa, but the inadequate people who "worked" on the baby.

Much better.
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I'm currently on savaysa, because it was the cheaper of the 4 options I was given. I can't afford anything else except Coumadin. And I was still getting DVT's on Coumadin. Now I have to get a uterine ablation because of the excessive bleeding. My hemoglobin is low at 10.3.
Xarelto gave me massive migraines. And again, I couldn't afford it after my first month free trail.