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Is Ramona going to assume the risk….

I would like to as well. How do we go about doing this? There are success stories out there about employees banning together? I'd rather pay an extra $100 a month or being covid tested weekly than get it. Astrazeneca isn't forcing their employees.

I'd like to be part of the group. I'm not being forced into getting this.

Same here. What do we need to do? Genzyme isn't requiring or Alexion.

I would like to as well. How do we go about doing this? There are success stories out there about employees banning together? I'd rather pay an extra $100 a month or being covid tested weekly than get it. Astrazeneca isn't forcing their employees.

I would like to as well. How do we go about doing this? There are success stories out there about employees banning together? I'd rather pay an extra $100 a month or being covid tested weekly than get it. Astrazeneca isn't forcing their employees.

AZ just had a large layoff and will have more just like every pharma company. Wake up and realize layoffs have been and always will be part of pharma. You must be blind or dumb or new to industry.

You must be illiterate. The poster said AZ isn't requiring it. Layoffs or not, not requiring vaccine. Apparently you are blind and dumb.

AZ just had a large layoff and will have more just like every pharma company. Wake up and realize layoffs have been and always will be part of pharma. You must be blind or dumb or new to industry.

lets be real, no need to get the stick and no need to end up in hospital either. Plenty of data on hidrox or ivamec (and yes i meant to mispell) along with Znc, Vit C, D3. If you cant get hidrox or ivamec then sub quercetin

sounds like your Facebook and Twitter account got shut down and you are bringing your lies and conspiracy bullshit here to cafe PharmD. Go take your misspelled, untested, unapproved treatments. We wish you well.

Your vax must have corroded your small brain. The fax is untested and unapproved too, idiot.

sounds like your Facebook and Twitter account got shut down and you are bringing your lies and conspiracy bullshit here to cafe PharmD. Go take your misspelled, untested, unapproved treatments. We wish you well.

Your vax must have corroded your small brain. The fax is untested and unapproved too, idiot.

Thanks, but I threw my fax machine out years ago. As far as the vaccine I got, tested in millions, proven safe and effective after millions more received it. The problem is nitwits like you refused to take it, allowing continued circulation resulting in mutations, leading to variants. Vast Majority of hospitalizations and deaths now are in the unvaccinated. Please study how vaccines work. Pretty clear benefits outweighs the risk. Can you say the same about safety of the products that the company is paying you to promote?

So, this very little notice was designed to force employees to go out immediately and get vaccinated. First shot, then 3 weeks from now is 2nd shot and then they said 2 weeks after the second shot is considered fully vaccinated. Do that math, they want everyone freaking out and doing it immediately to meet the 11/1 deadline. No freedom here. No recognition of acquired immunity. Government over-reach to the max. I will vote Republican for the rest of my life.

Thanks, but I threw my fax machine out years ago. As far as the vaccine I got, tested in millions, proven safe and effective after millions more received it. The problem is nitwits like you refused to take it, allowing continued circulation resulting in mutations, leading to variants. Vast Majority of hospitalizations and deaths now are in the unvaccinated. Please study how vaccines work. Pretty clear benefits outweighs the risk. Can you say the same about safety of the products that the company is paying you to promote?

Lol BS - on multiple accounts.

Variants like your DELTA emerged looong before any jab was deployed. So quit with the BS narrative the clean are spreading it.

William and Mary college - right now - with their 95% jabbed is having an explosion of cases. Leaky vaccines do not stop transmission- they most likely drive new variants and the science backs this up.

Covid survival is 99% and UP if you’re under 70 and that’s the current STAT. If you don’t think it’s f-ed up our government is trying to mandate this sh*t than you are hopeless and incapable of critical thought.

But you know what? The b*stards will lose. Truth is on our side. You can control the media, the politicians, the FDA and CDC and NIH and everyone else who has rolled over and handed what pathetic morality they once held simply for a buck because they are that pathetic...but they’ll lose.

Thanks, but I threw my fax machine out years ago. As far as the vaccine I got, tested in millions, proven safe and effective after millions more received it. The problem is nitwits like you refused to take it, allowing continued circulation resulting in mutations, leading to variants. Vast Majority of hospitalizations and deaths now are in the unvaccinated. Please study how vaccines work. Pretty clear benefits outweighs the risk. Can you say the same about safety of the products that the company is paying you to promote?

Super incorrect but anyways carry on
Are you the same idiot that posts on Facebook these facts?
If we never shutdown and the waited for the vaccines that don’t really prevent - work … this would be over by now and you f’ing know it

This entire thing makes zero sense. Forcing a therapeutic on people - to what aim? Doesn't stop the spread. Has immense risk. Survival of disease is greater than 99% if you're under 70 which is what - ALL employees?

Suddenly Takeda SO cares about everyone's health that they're forcing medicine on everyone? The government SO cares about your health that they DEMAND you get the treatment? What's next? What about those suffering from OBESITY? That's a disease is it not? Will the fatties be forced to take pills?

This entire thing makes zero sense. Forcing a therapeutic on people - to what aim? Doesn't stop the spread. Has immense risk. Survival of disease is greater than 99% if you're under 70 which is what - ALL employees?

Suddenly Takeda SO cares about everyone's health that they're forcing medicine on everyone? The government SO cares about your health that they DEMAND you get the treatment? What's next? What about those suffering from OBESITY? That's a disease is it not? Will the fatties be forced to take pills?

that’s because they are making a vax themselves! That’s a lawsuit people

you bastards better give religious exemptions

immunity exemptions

Speaking of that - religious exemption - you don’t need to tell them what religion you are - you don’t need a letter from a pastor or shaman
you just say it is a deeply held religious belief and they have to accommodate under title VII of the civil right act

shut your mouth - say nothing else - and they can you or pressure you with anything else even performance related say it started after the dismissal and sue the hell out of Takeda

that’s because they are making a vax themselves! That’s a lawsuit people

you bastards better give religious exemptions

immunity exemptions

Speaking of that - religious exemption - you don’t need to tell them what religion you are - you don’t need a letter from a pastor or shaman
you just say it is a deeply held religious belief and they have to accommodate under title VII of the civil right act

shut your mouth - say nothing else - and they can you or pressure you with anything else even performance related say it started after the dismissal and sue the hell out of Takeda[/QUOT

go away troll

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