Not real sales directors? I have to respectfully disagree, 100%. All 3 held people accountable for results, I know for a fact ST & PF have managed reps and managers out of the company for consistent poor performance. One of them was my friend! I have been here for years, and I bring it everyday. But because Exact Sciences has a primary care perspective and a finger pointing attitude, we can't be strategic. Exact is more worried about # of calls in veeva then giving us what we need to compete. Every strategic initiative my manager & PF tried was denied. How about holding everyone accountable, not just sales? I am not coming at you as many do on these threads, as I believe this is a company culture issue. The launch of Extra is a miserable failure. It is a joke.....late to market, little differentiation (zero differentiation to Tempus assay), no EMR integration and NO DATA! WTH! My medoncs what to see a proof source. Hell, we've had a ton of peer to peer 'education programs' and you know what? With all the medoncs that attended, I got 1 Extra assay! Our MDs in medical can't even sell this assay to their fellow doctors. And when I do get a few Extra assays in the door, only HALF report out and my customers get frustrated and worse, the patient gets angry and left without hope. Case in point.....I just heard City of Hope Cancer Center, where Extra was developed, just added the Tempus assay to formulary. Come on. All the major medical systems I call on looked at Extra in the first 3 months of launch and said 'no thanks.'
And we are all aware this isn't GHI anymore. You would be better off if it was. This is a culture of fear and that is sad because that is a choice made by Jim Stuart and Everett Cunningham. PF, ST & LA led from the heart and bred loyalty. Folks would walk through fire for them. That's a real leader. Now we walk for the paycheck & RSUs. And some of us old school ROLs still walk for the patient. You think they were held accountable? The word you are looking for is 'scapegoat.' And that, my friend, is a loss for everyone of included.