Is Jack Bailey the best we got to put in charge?

Yes, sadly. He's not any good either. Just like the other thread -- it is only with extreme hubris that anyone could suggest that the leadership gap can be filled from the inside. Imagine what our stock performance would have looked like in a market that wasn't up 85% in the past 4-5 years.

The thing that worries me the most (and has me looking for new career options the most frequently) is that there is nothing left in the pipeline to save us. Advair will go generic. Anoro is DOA. Breo will be lucky to get to a 5% share. Incruse and Arnuity never should have been launched. Tanzeum looks good only because Respiratory launches look so bad. The injectable -- who knows. And triple -- tell me what value that is going to have to payers after Advair has gone generic? And, honestly, what company will be left in the US when Advair goes generic?

But, now, it's happy face time. Let's be inspired by our leaders!! Hopefully I don't get murdered when I walk around the block in Chicago.

Spot On!

Just got done watching Jack's video and threw up. God help us all. Remember he's the one that brought us Patient First and GSK 360.

Jack didn't have anything to do with Patient First or GSK 360. For all we know, he argued for price reductions with ESI, and was overruled by DC. We'll never know the discussions that truly took place with the CLT. If he did argue for bargaining with ESI, and was right, it would make sense that AW has faith in him. Think about it. He's here. DC isn't. What does that tell you?

Jack's argument going into the ESI/Medco negotiation was that the PBM industry was a bunch of short timers and they did not have the ability to affect share so to hell with their demands......his primary source of this theory was his own trusty side kick M Johnson who never produced an effective marketing strategy the whole time there in spite of his huge empire that was built which I hear they are now busy tearing down.