Is it true OCEAN done in September?

Given the fact that they said it was a 1 year contract when we were hired in September, then yes, I would guess it could really be done then.

If that is true why are new target lists being placed in effect for March 1 with many additional primary care docs added? Crestor is the most important product in the Astra Zeneca line. The regular AZ reps obviously needed some help and thats why OCEAN was brought on board. Not many contracts are effected for more than one year at a time. It will be renewed and I would be surprised otherwise.

2 vacant territories in New England and they will keep them empty. Dr. list is nothing more than the same crap only given at a different time. We went from frequency to calls back to frequency and still no bonus. After all this do you still have hope that the contract will last 1yr?

Gas is up to3.99 in my area and the cheap b............took 2cents away from us. Your manager was honest.

I was on another contract that ended last yr for another contract co. They will lie to keep you going to the last day. Do your job, dont believe anyone and take care of yourself if you need this income. Having said that, I did work hard and got a decent bonus from my efforts after contract ended. Good luck to you all.

I was called last week by a hiring manager for an open territory in the se for this crestor contract (check quintiles website); I specifically asked if it was ending in sept and was told yes. Having worked in this industry for many years, I was actually surprised at getting an honest answer; then again, maybe that's the reason I did get an honest answer. Contracts end at any time, for any reason; territories are closed at any time, for any reason; there is zero stability in contract sales, take it for what it is.

I was called last week by a hiring manager for an open territory in the se for this crestor contract (check quintiles website); I specifically asked if it was ending in sept and was told yes. Having worked in this industry for many years, I was actually surprised at getting an honest answer; then again, maybe that's the reason I did get an honest answer. Contracts end at any time, for any reason; territories are closed at any time, for any reason; there is zero stability in contract sales, take it for what it is.

Are you going to go with it? Is taking this position and getting yourself into the Publicis SS data bank worth it for future jobs with this company KWIM?

Was also told Crestor contract will end the end of Sept. Was told if it was to be extended they would know by now?????

It is still too soon to tell. New target list is in effect March 1. It all depends on performance-# of NRxs. The more districts that show an increase, the more likely the contract will be extended.

It is still too soon to tell. New target list is in effect March 1. It all depends on performance-# of NRxs. The more districts that show an increase, the more likely the contract will be extended.

I agree... It really is too soon to tell. And as far as the idea that we would know by now, not true. These things are evaluated on a month-to-month basis or at least quarterly. And as noted before, the true impact of generic Lipitor will not be seen until May or June.

If we're thinking realistically though, I don't think we will be needed after September. Most districts aren't growing share NOW, it will be worse in a few months. Unless they're planning on getting rid of ALL of their direct reps, they'll just have them and the CSAs to supplement with samples & promotional literature. We will be gone.

AZ rep told me that they will be the only one to sell Crestor come summer.

Oh that's just speculation. NO ONE knows what will happen. Scary to think this could end after only 9 months! But in my experience, ANYTHING's possible. Our new targets are suppose to be for March-June. Would be nice if we're around for the 3rd quarter of this year. And if we're not, they sure better give us 30 days notice without expecting us to be in the field the last 30 days! I would like to plan on a paycheck through September!