Is it possible to make 200k+ here?

You are full of shit. If you left for a much higher paying job THEN WTF ARE YOU ON OUR BOARD 4? Well over a month to get covered for DO TELL what drug is it???? You are full of shit.

You mad bro? Specialty drugs or rare disease drugs can take months to get approved. So keep crying about your PA while making an embarrassingly low salary. You don’t know what you don’t know

Preferred (PA) still means it's not covered, dude. If a doc has to do a PA they don't see it as covered and frankly neither do I. I don't know where you live that you would think that it's covered because here in the Midwest, it is not. Patients are being denied coverage when they've already been on for a few months. One of my cardiologists offices called me on Friday because just last week five patients they started in February were covered then but getting denied now. wth is that? So no, try again,

It's been years since I sold adult novelty products. I do miss all that time I got to spend in Vegas at the AVN awards every year. That was a hell of a life!

I'm in Cali and even though there are difficulties with managed care, which product doesn't???????????? You need to learn to get the scripts to go through. stop being lazy and figure it out! this company can make bank here if in the right hands. I've definitely heard stories of people making close to 200k. You just don't know how to sell. JT NEEDS TO FIRE YOU!

Ok, i don't understand why everyone is bitching about this product and managed care.

If you actually do your research, vascepa does have good coverage. I'm in south and we are doing very well. You just can't sell, period. Stop making excuses and go make it happen. The commission structure is uncapped which is unheard of at a pharmaceutical company. We are growing non-stop!!!!

If you can't sell vascepa, you 100% wouldn't be able to sell any of the other blockbuster drugs like Lipitor, let alone a specialty drug. Vascepa is the best in class with top coverage. This is AS EASY AS IT GETS!!!!!!

Go back to flipping burgers or ... maybe be the next Tiger King

This thread is hilarious. Bunch of bitter old reps here who doesn't know anything about managed care and wants to "relive the good ol days with a 150k salary pushing a drug" and the younger reps here are thinking "i wish they paid me more for doing nothing"

If you can't sell Vascepa now WITH THIS KIND OF INDICATION, then you definitely couldn't have sold this back then, before 2018's REDUCE-IT. As a matter of fact, if you can't sell this drug, you probably couldn't sell anything. GO WORK FOR KOWA

Layoffs are imminent. New selling environment can't support and justify 800 complainers.

Face it. You aren't happy here anyway. You weren't happy at your last gig. See the trend. You won't be happy anywhere because you are miserable and are not good for the overall success of any organization, no matter where you go.

Hopefully the severance is good.

Layoffs are imminent. New selling environment can't support and justify 800 complainers.

Face it. You aren't happy here anyway. You weren't happy at your last gig. See the trend. You won't be happy anywhere because you are miserable and are not good for the overall success of any organization, no matter where you go.

Hopefully the severance is good.

Exactly. Bunch of rookie complainers who don’t know how good they have it. If they ever got into a real pharma company to sell a real drug, they’d cry to go back to selling Vascepa. Annoying to watch people constantly complain and find reasons why they can’t succeed

Layoffs are imminent. New selling environment can't support and justify 800 complainers.

Face it. You aren't happy here anyway. You weren't happy at your last gig. See the trend. You won't be happy anywhere because you are miserable and are not good for the overall success of any organization, no matter where you go.

Hopefully the severance is good.

Only imminent if we dont win the appeal.