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Is Ingelheim, Germany a good place to live?


Like living in a graveyard. The most boring country on earth.

I dunno, it was pretty exciting from 1932-1945. Still some of those people around, at least the ones that didn't flee to South America. Ever notice that some people from South America have German surnames? Makes you wonder what their grandparents were up to in the 30's and 40's.

I dunno, it was pretty exciting from 1932-1945. Still some of those people around, at least the ones that didn't flee to South America. Ever notice that some people from South America have German surnames? Makes you wonder what their grandparents were up to in the 30's and 40's.

I guess all that excitement went "underground" after they got their asses owned in 1945... That's the reason why it's got the graveyard feel - it's a defeated population (master race superiority complex) and the only thing they can do now to compensate for their defeat is make overpriced cars and keep their head down, hoping one day they can again dream of domination.

I guess all that excitement went "underground" after they got their asses owned in 1945... That's the reason why it's got the graveyard feel - it's a defeated population (master race superiority complex) and the only thing they can do now to compensate for their defeat is make overpriced cars and keep their head down, hoping one day they can again dream of domination.

We still dominate. Our cars are the best, our beer is the best, and you haven't really gotten laid until you've had a fräulein ride your sausage for an hour...

And we don't have the racial problems you losers in America have...

I dunno, it was pretty exciting from 1932-1945. Still some of those people around, at least the ones that didn't flee to South America. Ever notice that some people from South America have German surnames? Makes you wonder what their grandparents were up to in the 30's and 40's.

Smart enough to get the fuck out of the hell-hole that Hitler was making it I'd assume.

We still dominate. Our cars are the best, our beer is the best, and you haven't really gotten laid until you've had a fräulein ride your sausage for an hour...

And we don't have the racial problems you losers in America have...

You must be seriously joking... Ask Turks and other ethnic groups how "accepted" they are in Germany, and America looks like a paradise. Every year some apartment buildings get firebombed by right wing Neo-Nazis and swasitkas are drawn on Jewish shops in Munich. You also don't have any of the diversity that America has, so you definitely can't compare the two.

Regarding your cars - they are pieces of junk. Overrated and overrpriced.

Your fräuleins are ugly, hairy, don't shave, and are overweight (too much shnitzel I guess).

You must be seriously joking... Ask Turks and other ethnic groups how "accepted" they are in Germany, and America looks like a paradise. Every year some apartment buildings get firebombed by right wing Neo-Nazis and swasitkas are drawn on Jewish shops in Munich. You also don't have any of the diversity that America has, so you definitely can't compare the two.

Regarding your cars - they are pieces of junk. Overrated and overrpriced.

Your fräuleins are ugly, hairy, don't shave, and are overweight (too much shnitzel I guess).

Overweight compared to...uh...American women???


Ingelheim has a fantastic nightlife and a very outgoing, open, spontaneous, clubbing atmosphere. I highly recommend it to young and single people who are looking for a fabulous time, as it is a really cosmopolitan and active city. Some people say it is comparable to New York or Toronto in terms of cultural opportunities and multiculturalism.

Also: The Germans are known for being very outgoing, open-minded, spontaneous, and willing to talk to foreigners in English 100% of the time. They have a great sense of humour and are always willing to make new friends from different countries, even if you don't speak any German.

Also: The Germans are known for being very outgoing, open-minded, spontaneous, and willing to talk to foreigners in English 100% of the time. They have a great sense of humour and are always willing to make new friends from different countries, even if you don't speak any German.
Actually, this is true.