Borhringer Ingelheim Termination Sweepstakes

post #15; the OP..DM here and I support and agree with you. I saw some lists last week at our 'culture meetings'. Long time BI employees...good or bad...are very underpaid for sure. DMs played God at my meeting and sliced and diced who would be resp and who would be diabetes. The card DMs looked on in shock as the Elitist crew performed. I'm a RAE so I was comfortably removed; damn!!!!

Thanks for the support. That's really sad to hear but only makes me feel better about my decision. Our once great culture, is no more. And that sucks. I just hope I'm disliked so I can win the grand prize and not runner up.

I don't know how anyone could trust upper management. This place has become ridden with mediocre management and CBMs
Good luck to everyone who is strives for something better! It's not at BI that's obvious.

No severance if you "resign" during WARN period. New job start date must be in September or later

Liar, liar, pants on fire. From the FAQ sent to Grand Prize Winners:

55: If I resign prior to my last day of employment, am I still eligible for severance benefits?

Yes, as long as your position has already been announced as eliminated and you have been

released of all company obligations, you will be eligible for severance benefits. Your payroll

payments will cease upon your effective date of termination and your benefits coverage will

end at the end of the month in which your employment terminates. If you do not remain in

good standing with the company or do not fulfill all obligations as stated in the Agreement,

you will not be eligible for severance benefits.

56: If I start employment with another company before August 31, 2016, am I still eligible

for severance benefits?

Yes, as long as your position has already been announced as eliminated and you have been

released of all company obligations, you will be eligible for severance benefits if you notify

BI that you are resigning to accept a position with another employer. Your effective date of

termination will be no later than the day before you begin work with your new employer (if

prior to August 31.) Your payroll payments will then cease upon your effective date of


termination and your benefits coverage will end at the end of the month in which your

employment terminates. If you do not remain in good standing with the company or do not

fulfill all obligations as stated in the Agreement, you will not be eligible for severance


Liar, liar, pants on fire. From the FAQ sent to Grand Prize Winners:

55: If I resign prior to my last day of employment, am I still eligible for severance benefits?

Yes, as long as your position has already been announced as eliminated and you have been

released of all company obligations, you will be eligible for severance benefits. Your payroll

payments will cease upon your effective date of termination and your benefits coverage will

end at the end of the month in which your employment terminates. If you do not remain in

good standing with the company or do not fulfill all obligations as stated in the Agreement,

you will not be eligible for severance benefits.

56: If I start employment with another company before August 31, 2016, am I still eligible

for severance benefits?

Yes, as long as your position has already been announced as eliminated and you have been

released of all company obligations, you will be eligible for severance benefits if you notify

BI that you are resigning to accept a position with another employer. Your effective date of

termination will be no later than the day before you begin work with your new employer (if

prior to August 31.) Your payroll payments will then cease upon your effective date of

termination and your benefits coverage will end at the end of the month in which your

employment terminates. If you do not remain in good standing with the company or do not

fulfill all obligations as stated in the Agreement, you will not be eligible for severance


Not a liar - just a dumbass.

OP and grand prize winner here. I just want to say thank you to BI. A check for ~$50k was deposited in my bank account yesterday, the same day I wrapped up training with my new employer, where I'm making $20k more a year selling in a disease state I'm passionate about. When the phone rang and I got canned, it was the best news I had received in nearly 3 years of employment with this cheap ass company. My wife and I went out for a nice dinner and celebrated your folly.

We're refinancing our mortgage and we finally have money to give our kids the life I've been wanting.

To my former DM, who was a complete ass, thank you for not seeing my potential, not giving me the money I fought you for, and for playing favorites. Without you I could have never won the grand prize and I wouldn't be where I am today. He who laughs last, laughs loudest.

OP and grand prize winner here. I just want to say thank you to BI. A check for ~$50k was deposited in my bank account yesterday, the same day I wrapped up training with my new employer, where I'm making $20k more a year selling in a disease state I'm passionate about. When the phone rang and I got canned, it was the best news I had received in nearly 3 years of employment with this cheap ass company. My wife and I went out for a nice dinner and celebrated your folly.

We're refinancing our mortgage and we finally have money to give our kids the life I've been wanting.

To my former DM, who was a complete ass, thank you for not seeing my potential, not giving me the money I fought you for, and for playing favorites. Without you I could have never won the grand prize and I wouldn't be where I am today. He who laughs last, laughs loudest.

So look, not that I disagree with most of your post, but you shot yourself in the foot in terms of credibility when you say you got a $50k payout already. We're still in the WARN period and severances don't get paid for a couple more weeks.

So look, not that I disagree with most of your post, but you shot yourself in the foot in terms of credibility when you say you got a $50k payout already. We're still in the WARN period and severances don't get paid for a couple more weeks.

I turned in my paperwork mate. And my numbers and purposely vague and different in every post so as not to reveal myself. Money is in the bank and has been moved from checking to savings.

I win.