I know a lot of reps didn't like her, but when JS was regional director, things were definitely moving in the right direction. Since then, things kind of tapered off, and the managers had no one to answer to. I guess things caught up with the company as whole, this isn't just the fault of a couple people. MM made some baaaaaaad decisions: losing that PSI contract, dumping Frontline for Promeris, putting too much stock in the return of ProHeart, thinking vet clinics would all use Sevo if you gave them a machine... it goes on and on. He may have been a good field rep (they say) but that obviously doesn't translate to being a good business person. I guess people should have known something was up when DMVR was the Division of the Year in 2009, and then a few months later all the reps get their base salary cut by 2/3. Hardly makes sense, does it, cowboy?
For the record, talk to tenured manufacturer reps in Texas and they'll tell ya about Mark Middleton's selling skills..."how much ya' payin' doc, cuz I'll beat anyone's price". He did very well taking orders after cutting the margins down to near nothing. His mantra of Sales $'s are for ego and Margin $'s are for real salesmen is a bunch of crap. Biggest BS'er in the industry and there are many companies that wont do business with DVM Resources because of him. FACT