Is DL a clown or just a D bag - which is it?

WRONG again - why the hell do you think there is such a thing as “break even Point”? No one expects a new drug to be profitable for several years (aka break even Point). Name one FDA approved drug that was profitable in its first year of launch? I’ll wait

Harvoni, Gilead's Hep C drug. They spent almost $11BB to acquire the molecule and recouped in less than a year.

That said, it took Gilead 14 years as a company to become profitable. Now look at them.

what happens next? Not the smartest person but this one isn’t hard to figure out. Dan-Dan-the D BAG-Man is financially ruining this company. the future is pretty clear for anyone who takes the time to look into it. OP gets sold as a fire sell or sells off our shares to raise money and takes us to zero value. Watch. When it happens you can thank D Bag Dan.

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ALL leadership is embarrased about the performace and the quick sell for basically ZERO return. Leadership will stay on board as part of the deal then will move on to the next start up to wreck pnce their obligation is done. They do not have a long term play to stay at Viatris.

ALL leadership is embarrased about the performace and the quick sell for basically ZERO return. Leadership will stay on board as part of the deal then will move on to the next start up to wreck pnce their obligation is done. They do not have a long term play to stay at Viatris.

Some leadership maybe. My guess is that many of them will be out the door long before any significant amount of time has gone by.

I'm sure DL is having a blast watching all this go down from Brazil, or Cucamonga, or wherever the hell he is this week. Good to know that destroying and selling off a company for zero profit didn't cut into his lifestyle at all.

So I'd say we have the answer to the original question asked. He is both a clown and a dbag.

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The entire executive team did a terrible job. They decided to give Tyrvaya away for next to nothing for a year, hoping they could gain coverage by impressing MHC companies with the number of prescribers through the Phil Rx, instead of paid claims

Now they are spending millions on DTC. It's like putting money into a car that keeps dying.

The entire executive team did a terrible job. They decided to give Tyrvaya away for next to nothing for a year, hoping they could gain coverage by impressing MHC companies with the number of prescribers through the Phil Rx, instead of paid claims

Now they are spending millions on DTC. It's like putting money into a car that keeps dying.
This entire company/division has been exposed. We have no paid claims. Minimal adoption. This leadership team is all about smoking mirrors to keep their old jobs because they’re on the back end of their career don’t join here. If you’re looking for a new company with longevity with research and innovation, you would be making a big mistake.