Is DL a clown or just a D bag - which is it?

When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own insecurities and poor self worth.

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And if DL wasn't a clown, the company would probably still have some cash in the till.

what happens next? Not the smartest person but this one isn’t hard to figure out. Dan-Dan-the D BAG-Man is financially ruining this company. the future is pretty clear for anyone who takes the time to look into it. OP gets sold as a fire sell or sells off our shares to raise money and takes us to zero value. Watch. When it happens you can thank D Bag Dan.

these clowns are now asking us to work a holiday? FU. this reeks of DL running some stupid spreadsheet to convince MC and JN that if we work holidays we will get more sales. newsflash dbag DL, how’s that going to work when we leave to go somewhere else that actually gives a holiday? put that in your spreadsheet a-hole.

Be careful MC. You have a good reputation. Don’t let DL and JN bring you down with them. JS learned the hard way that these two are a-hole D bags

MC is part of the problem. The take care of the good ole boys vs hiring for talent doesn't work. Just look at some of the recent leadership promotions.
Clear from day one, prop up the company for a quick sale and cash in. News flash… that aint gonna happen! MC. OWN THE FAILURE!!

All this negative talk. In this environment and market we have to step up and execute. Stop placing blame on others for your poor execution. Bad decisions are made, yes but its the recovery and adaptation afterwards that makes a company successful.

Own it and execute. This is a sales role not a sample and account manage role. If you cant get it done go sell Tylenol. All you sales reps expect handouts. Try selling equipment/device. You’d be in tears. for the record I sold equipment/device and I killed it!

Now, go get your shinebox!

All this negative talk. In this environment and market we have to step up and execute. Stop placing blame on others for your poor execution. Bad decisions are made, yes but its the recovery and adaptation afterwards that makes a company successful.

Own it and execute. This is a sales role not a sample and account manage role. If you cant get it done go sell Tylenol. All you sales reps expect handouts. Try selling equipment/device. You’d be in tears. for the record I sold equipment/device and I killed it!

Now, go get your shinebox!

nice try DL. We all know you wrote this. Even your smack talk is pathetic.