Wow, its sad to read all these horrible financial postings. I worked as a salesrep for almost 2 years. It sounds like many people were not even aware that a test was ordered. The sad part about Aureon is that in the beginning of their sales efforts they tried to get doctors to go back and order tests for patients already treated with PC. I never did that because the test couldn't really change their treatment since they were treated. Some reps got the doctor to give them 20+ patient charts. They will tell the doctor, wouldn't it be great to do a study and see how Aureon's Risk assesment prognostic test works for your patients. You can then see their likelihood of getting mets postop, which is what the PX test was designed for. Most patients had NO clue the test was ordered and the doctor believed the Aureon Rep that if their insurance didn't cover then they wouldn't be balanced bill. Well, now that Aureon went bankrupt they must have sold off their collections to a 3rd party. I call the B.S. and wouldn't pay. I would send a copy of the bill to the urologists who ordered it. He should have had something in writing from the Rep stating NO balance billing if it was never covered. The fact is since the test was relatively NEW, no one covered it and once Medicare denied covering it the Game was over. No private payer will pay if the biggest payer (Medicare denies coverage). Plus this is a prognostic test (predicting the future) and Aureon was not considered in network, therefore most payers generally denied it. I wouldn't pay anybody a dime for something you didn't consent for. Some Reps made a rediculous amount of money which to me amounts to fraud. They knew better, but I also blame upper management telling the reps that patients wouldn't have to foot the bill. Good luck to all!