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Is anyone making bonus on Kyprolis?

Laura Brand is looking to hire Ex-BCG consultants as reps.

Brian Heath wants to switch over Enbrel and Repatha reps to Kyprolis. Reps who make numbers, stay. Reps who don't are let go.

Both Brian Heath and Laura Brand are running the sales force with an "Up or Out" culture.

Wait til you see who is left of the Kyprolis sales force in 30 days. We are all talking with our feet. 50% turnover, over the 70% turnover hey already had in 2016. How is any of the leadership keeping their jobs over there? How expensive is it to turnover an entire sales force and now management twice in the same year?

Wait til you see who is left of the Kyprolis sales force in 30 days. We are all talking with our feet. 50% turnover, over the 70% turnover hey already had in 2016. How is any of the leadership keeping their jobs over there? How expensive is it to turnover an entire sales force and now management twice in the same year?

Brian Heath and Laura brand will solve all problems by firing you loser reps and hiring winners from outside.

Amgen hasn't hired a winner from the outside yet. Why would they be able to now?

Amgen is one of two things from an oncology sales rep perspective. Those who were in primary care and are looking to break into "oncology", and those who once here are not talented or connected enough to get out.

The talent pool in the OBU is terrible and is filled with mainly big pharma rejects. Go to any local conference walk around the table tops and ask about the local reps...undoubtedly the Amgen reps are the laughing stock.

Amgen is one of two things from an oncology sales rep perspective. Those who were in primary care and are looking to break into "oncology", and those who once here are not talented or connected enough to get out.

The talent pool in the OBU is terrible and is filled with mainly big pharma rejects. Go to any local conference walk around the table tops and ask about the local reps...undoubtedly the Amgen reps are the laughing stock.

You people always keep me entertained. Obviously, you don't work here. Are you so pathetic that you have to come on an Amgen board to trash its people? Get a life.

As to the idea that all of these other oncology reps are soooo much better, get over yourself. I have been here for a few years and have seen fellow reps at oncology conferences. I see good and bad reps. The funniest part is- a lot of these other "amazing" oncology companies hire Amgen reps. Truth is, some people only chase the dollar. If that's what is important to you then go for it. Grass is not always greener. I like Amgen's total package, not just the base salary.

But, when you have narcissistic tendencies, you are always going to believe you are better than everyone else. I've seen people like you around at conferences. A piece of advice, when you act and carry yourself like an arrogant a-hole we all notice. We just don't tell you to your face. Maybe a dose of humility would get you a lot further in life.

You people always keep me entertained. Obviously, you don't work here. Are you so pathetic that you have to come on an Amgen board to trash its people? Get a life.

As to the idea that all of these other oncology reps are soooo much better, get over yourself. I have been here for a few years and have seen fellow reps at oncology conferences. I see good and bad reps. The funniest part is- a lot of these other "amazing" oncology companies hire Amgen reps. Truth is, some people only chase the dollar. If that's what is important to you then go for it. Grass is not always greener. I like Amgen's total package, not just the base salary.

But, when you have narcissistic tendencies, you are always going to believe you are better than everyone else. I've seen people like you around at conferences. A piece of advice, when you act and carry yourself like an arrogant a-hole we all notice. We just don't tell you to your face. Maybe a dose of humility would get you a lot further in life.

You Amgen reps are in denial. The reason you think Amgen is great is because you came from somewhere really shitty. It's all relative, the best of the onc reps would never tolerate Amgen and that is why the Onyx reps left. We got car stipends not company cars. Wouldn't you rather go to an office in a BMW. I guess your Passat and Chevy Malibu is luxury enough for you.

You Amgen reps are in denial. The reason you think Amgen is great is because you came from somewhere really shitty. It's all relative, the best of the onc reps would never tolerate Amgen and that is why the Onyx reps left. We got car stipends not company cars. Wouldn't you rather go to an office in a BMW. I guess your Passat and Chevy Malibu is luxury enough for you.

Awww, poor baby. Did your Mommy raise you to believe that your self-worth is tied to the type of vehicle you drive???

You people always keep me entertained. Obviously, you don't work here. Are you so pathetic that you have to come on an Amgen board to trash its people? Get a life.

As to the idea that all of these other oncology reps are soooo much better, get over yourself. I have been here for a few years and have seen fellow reps at oncology conferences. I see good and bad reps. The funniest part is- a lot of these other "amazing" oncology companies hire Amgen reps. Truth is, some people only chase the dollar. If that's what is important to you then go for it. Grass is not always greener. I like Amgen's total package, not just the base salary.

But, when you have narcissistic tendencies, you are always going to believe you are better than everyone else. I've seen people like you around at conferences. A piece of advice, when you act and carry yourself like an arrogant a-hole we all notice. We just don't tell you to your face. Maybe a dose of humility would get you a lot further in life.

Whatever gets you to sleep at night pal...answer me this...why do we so seldom hire people with oncology experience? Why don't the good and experienced Onc reps want to come here? We are not attracting top oncology talent like other organizations. Why is that in your opinion? If it is as good you think why did all the good Onyx reps leave and why don't good oncology reps want to come here? Perhaps the grass is greener...

Awww, poor baby. Did your Mommy raise you to believe that your self-worth is tied to the type of vehicle you drive???

Who who said anything about self worth? Project much? It's the freedom of picking the car you drive in for many hours a day. Big leap there pal turning personal choice and freedom to a psychological issue. Perhaps it is you who has the insecurity issue...

I get it you come from the "you're lucky to have this job" school of management. You're a good lemming.

Who who said anything about self worth? Project much? It's the freedom of picking the car you drive in for many hours a day. Big leap there pal turning personal choice and freedom to a psychological issue. Perhaps it is you who has the insecurity issue...

I get it you come from the "you're lucky to have this job" school of management. You're a good lemming.

So, I must have hit a nerve. That's alright. I can tell from your post you are former Onyx. Nothing more fulfilling than watching people who leave the company continually coming back to this board to spew their negativity and hatred. You must be incredibly happy at your new gig, huh? I also like to spend my days trolling on my former company's board. It shows how mentally stable I am.

It has been my life experience that people who feel good about their current career and personal life don't have to waste their time living in the past. It's called MOVING ON with your life. Try it sometime, it might be a welcome change for you.

So, I must have hit a nerve. That's alright. I can tell from your post you are former Onyx. Nothing more fulfilling than watching people who leave the company continually coming back to this board to spew their negativity and hatred. You must be incredibly happy at your new gig, huh? I also like to spend my days trolling on my former company's board. It shows how mentally stable I am.

It has been my life experience that people who feel good about their current career and personal life don't have to waste their time living in the past. It's called MOVING ON with your life. Try it sometime, it might be a welcome change for you.

Wow you really like to speculate don't you? No nerve hit just asked you a few questions that you seem to not want to answer. I'm guessing I struck a nerve since you immediately go to the "any one who is not singing the praises of the company on CP must be trolling" defense. Both weak and inaccurate. Please answer the questions I asked previously.