Is anyone experiencing issues with the recruiting agency

* the negative person posting must either be from sanofi or astraZ
* another reason to not hire big pharma
* many qualified people in industry with 5, 10, 20, 25+ years have been outa jobs
* many qualified looking and however a company chooses to interview, hire, outsource, they can't phone screen and interview f2f everyone
* several people will just receive thank you emails when process complete
* obvious company is specific looking for specific type for orphan sales cuz its very different

dear mr. bad attitude "I'm sure the co. is making good decisions and by your unprofessional comments you will receive a thanks but no thanks email soon. =>
no one owes you anything and there are many qualified candidates out there

No i am from pfizer!!! We are the greatest reps in the world, and you should hire me!!!! I can out sell all the losers you have hired!!!