Is anyone else experiencing burnout?

not the OP, but my understanding is that the cstyx nurses will be cross-training on gilenya and not at all happy about it, given the state of the msbu.
i've also heard that it's hard enough to get a job in the nurse educator field post-NVS, but nearly impossible if you've been associated with that drug

not the OP, but my understanding is that the cstyx nurses will be cross-training on gilenya and not at all happy about it, given the state of the msbu.
i've also heard that it's hard enough to get a job in the nurse educator field post-NVS, but nearly impossible if you've been associated with that drug

They are dropping like flies. Some leaving for any job at all to gain some distance from this place

Here s a thought..........Maybe entresto just isn't that great. Commercial s,overlays, people run off. The market has decided. It's been a year. Entresto is a small product that will only help a small number of people.